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First pass at replicating wrangler1 behavior
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Cass Fridkin committed Apr 4, 2022
1 parent 9138214 commit 84d9856
Showing 1 changed file with 213 additions and 12 deletions.
225 changes: 213 additions & 12 deletions packages/wranglerjs-compat-webpack-plugin/src/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,61 @@
* This is a webpack plugin that aims to recreate the functionality of
* Wrangler 1's `type = wepback` setting for workers projects.
* It's kind of gross, and not good for _new_ projects, but it should work ok at
* getting people using Wrangler 1 with the inbuilt webpack 4 support migrated
* over to Wrangler 2. Combined with docs on ejecting webpack, the pain of
* losing 1's (tenuous at best) webpack support should be mostly mitigated.
* This plugin attempts to replicate Wrangler 1's behavior 1:1 (specifically,
* so it:
* - figures out where the actual worker is located, and saves that location as "package_dir" (
* - if it's a sites project (
* - generates a worker if necessary (
* - runs `npm install` (
* - use the "main" file of {package_dir} as the entry if none is specified (
* - runs wranglerjs-equivalent webpack hooks that: (
* - assert `target` is `webworker` (
* - assert `output.filename` is `worker.js` and `output.sourceMapFilename` is `` (
* - bundle all emitted JS into a single file (
* - takes webpack output and writes it to disk (
* - at `{package_dir}/worker` (
* - if there's WASM, adds some hardcoded js to import it (

import fs from "node:fs";
import path from "node:path";
import { execa } from "execa";
import rimraf from "rimraf";
import { Plugin } from "webpack";
import { readConfig } from "wrangler/src/config";

import type { Compiler, Configuration as WebpackConfig } from "webpack";
import type {
Configuration as WebpackConfig,
compilation as _compilation,
} from "webpack";
import type { Config as WranglerConfig } from "wrangler/src/config";
type Compilation = _compilation.Compilation;

const PLUGIN_NAME = "WranglerJsCompatWebpackPlugin";
const WASM_IMPORT = `
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming =
async function instantiateStreaming(req, importObject) {
const module = WASM_MODULE;
return {
instance: new WebAssembly.Instance(module, importObject)

export type WranglerJsCompatWebpackPluginArgs = {
* Path to your wrangler configuration file (wrangler.toml).
* If omitted, an effort is made to find your file before
* erroring.
* If omitted, an effort is made to find your file.
pathToWranglerToml?: string;
Expand All @@ -26,7 +67,11 @@ export type WranglerJsCompatWebpackPluginArgs = {

export class WranglerJsCompatWebpackPlugin extends Plugin {
private readonly config: WranglerConfig;
private readonly packageDir: string;
private packageDir!: string; // set by this.setPackageDir
private output?: {
js: string;
wasm?: Buffer;

Expand All @@ -38,33 +83,128 @@ export class WranglerJsCompatWebpackPlugin extends Plugin {
env: environment,
"legacy-env": true,

apply(compiler: Compiler): void {
// figure out where the actual worker is located, and save that location as this.packageDir
compiler.hooks.entryOption.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, this.setPackageDir);

// assert:
// - `target` is`webworker`
// - `output.filename` is `worker.js`
// - `output.sourceMapFilename` is`` if it exists
compiler.hooks.afterPlugins.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, this.checkOutputs);

// if it's a sites project, generate a worker if necessary.
// run `npm install` in this.packageDir
compiler.hooks.beforeRun.tapPromise(PLUGIN_NAME, this.setupBuild);

// bundle all emitted JS into a single file
compiler.hooks.shouldEmit.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, this.bundleAssets);

* Emulates behavior from [`Target::package_dir`](
* We encourage the user to specify the "context" and "entry" explicitly in
* their webpack config, since wrangler 1 kind of inferred that stuff but
* wrangler 2 is very hands-off for custom builds.
* This has to be a synchronous function that only returns something
* if it encounters an error. In webpack 4 `entryOption` is a
* [`SyncBailHook`](
* ([docs](
* Docs on `context` and `entry` are [here](
* @param context The base directory, an absolute path, for resolving entry points and loaders from configuration.
* @param entry The point or points where to start the application bundling process.
private setPackageDir(
context: WebpackConfig["context"],
entry: WebpackConfig["entry"]
) {
if (context === undefined || entry === undefined) {
const weWouldGuess =
"With `type = webpack`, wrangler 1 would try to guess where your worker lives.";
const noLonger =
"Now that you're running webpack outside of wrangler, you need to specify this explicitly.";
const docsUrl = "";

if (context === undefined) {
"You should set the `context` key in your webpack config to be the directory where your worker source code is."

if (entry === undefined) {
'You should set the `entry` key in your webpack config to be the entry point for you worker (e.g. "index.js")'

if ( {
this.packageDir = path.resolve(
process.cwd(),["entry-point"] || "workers-site"
} else {
this.packageDir = process.cwd();

apply(compiler: Compiler): void {
compiler.hooks.beforeRun.tapPromise(PLUGIN_NAME, this.setupBuild);
* Mimics wrangler-js' [assertions for build output](
private checkOutputs({ options: { target, output } }: Compiler) {
if (target !== "webworker") {
throw new Error(
'You need to set `target` to "webworker" in your webpack config.'

if (output?.filename !== "worker.js") {
throw new Error(
'You need to set `output.filename` to "worker.js" in your webpack config.'

if (
output?.sourceMapFilename &&
output?.sourceMapFilename !== ""
) {
throw new Error(
'You need to set `output.sourceMapFilename` to "" in your webpack config.'

* Partially equivalent to [`setup_build`](
* in wrangler 1, with the notable exception of preparing to run webpack
* since we now have the user do that.
private async setupBuild() {
if ( !== undefined) {
await this.scaffoldSitesWorker();

await execa("npm", ["install"], {
cwd: this.packageDir,
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(this.packageDir, "node_modules"))) {
`Installing deps in ${this.packageDir}, but you should do this yourself...`
await execa("npm", ["install"], {
cwd: this.packageDir,

/// Generate a sites-worker if one doesn't exist already
* Generate a sites-worker if one doesn't exist already.
* equivalent to [`Site::scaffold_worker`](
* in wrangler 1.
private async scaffoldSitesWorker() {
if (fs.existsSync(this.packageDir)) {
Expand All @@ -75,8 +215,61 @@ export class WranglerJsCompatWebpackPlugin extends Plugin {
await execa("git", ["clone", "--depth", "1", template, this.packageDir]);
await rm(path.resolve(this.packageDir, ".git"));

private bundleAssets({ assets }: Compilation) {
const jsAssets = getAssetsWithExtension(assets, "js");

if (jsAssets.length > 1) {
"Webpack emitted multiple javascript files. We'll combine them for you, but you should configure webpack to emit exactly one."

this.output = {
js: jsAssets.reduce((acc: string, k) => {
const asset = assets[k];
return acc + asset.source();
}, ""),

const wasmAssets = getAssetsWithExtension(assets, "wasm");
if (wasmAssets.length > 0) {
this.output.wasm = assets[wasmAssets[0]];


return false;

* Mimics [`Bundle::write`](
private writeOutput() {
if (!this.output) {
throw new Error("This should only be called after bundling assets.");

fs.mkdirSync(path.join(this.packageDir, "worker"), { recursive: true });
if (this.output.wasm) {
path.join(this.packageDir, "worker", "module.wasm"),
this.output.js = `${WASM_IMPORT}\n${this.output.js}`;

path.join(this.packageDir, "worker", "script.js"),

* Promise wrapper around rimraf
function rm(
pathToRemove: string,
options?: rimraf.Options
Expand All @@ -94,3 +287,11 @@ function rm(
: rimraf(pathToRemove, callback);

* Gets all assets with a given extension
function getAssetsWithExtension(assets: object, extension: string) {
const regex = new RegExp(`\\.${extension}$`);
return Object.keys(assets).filter((filename) => regex.test(filename));

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