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Welcome to the CloudHero CLI!

You can use our CLI to create any type of server environments or a scalable and high available container service on top of major public or private cloud providers.


CloudHero CLI is a open-source application written in python and it is build on top of CloudHero API


pip install hero

Docker image

docker pull cloudhero/hero-cli
alias hero="docker run -it --rm -v ~/.herorc:/root/.herorc cloudhero/hero-cli"

Account Registration

Once installed you need to create a account. If you already have an active CloudHero account you can skip this step.

$ hero register -e email -p password -o organization
Parameter Description
email Your email address.
password A strong password
organization Your company / organization name


In order to use CloudHero CLI you need to login.

$ hero login -e email -p password
Parameter Description
email Your email address
password Your CloudHero account password

Usage examples


In order to deploy new servers using CloudHero CLI you need to register a cloud provider. Currently we support AWS EC2 and DigitalOcean.

Add DigitalOcean
$ hero provider add digital_ocean -a DO_Access_Token --name my_dev_cloud
Parameter Description
DO_Access_Token A valid DigitalOcean access token
name Give your cloud provider a uniq name
$ hero provider add ec2 -a access_key -s secret_key --name my_prod_cloud

We prepared for you the minimum required IAM policy for CloudHero. In that example you can see that CloudHero is only allowed to work in Irland and it only needs just a few permissions.

Parameter Description
access_key A valid AWS EC2 access key
secret_key A valid AWS EC2 secret key
name Give your cloud provider a uniq name
$ hero provider rm provider_id
Option Description
provider_id The cloud provider that you choose to delete. Use $ hero provider ls to obtain the id
$ hero provider ls


An environment is a group of servers (nodes). You can give them any name, but we usualy call them production, staging, development.

$ hero env add -p provider_id -l location -n name
Parameter Description
provider_id The cloud provider that you choose to spin up the nodes. Use $ hero provider ls to obtain the id
location The location where you want to spin up your servers. See below available locations.
name Name your environment.(eg. Production or Staging)
Cloud Providers Locations
Digital Ocean Amazon EC2
Code - Name Code - Name
ams2 - Amsterdam 2 us-east-1 - US East (N. Virginia)
ams3 - Amsterdam 3 us-west-2 - US West (Oregon)
fra1 - Frankfurt 1 us-west-1 - US West (N. California)
lon1 - London 1 eu-west-1 - EU (Ireland)
nyc1 - New York 1 eu-central-1 - EU (Frankfurt)
nyc2 - New York 2 ap-southeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Singapore)
nyc3 - New York 3 ap-northeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
sfo1 - San Francisco 1 ap-southeast-2 - Asia Pacific (Sydney)
sgp1 - Singapore 1 ap-northeast-2 - Asia Pacific (Seoul)
tor1 - Toronto 1 sa-east-1 - South America (São Paulo)
$ hero env rm env_id
Option Description
env_id The environment that you choose to delete. Use $ hero env ls to obtain the id
$ hero env ls


Nodes are servers which CloudHero will provision, install packages on and configure automatically for you.

$ hero node add -e env_id -k package -s size --name mynode
Parameters Description
-e env_id The environemnt that you created to run servers into. Use $ hero environment ls to obtain the id.
-k package Specify a comma separated list of packages which you would like to install. Eg. -k apache,php,mysql. See bellow list of available packages.
--name node_name Specify the name of the node which you would like to create or add more like it. Eg. --name web1
-k pakage Specify a comma separated list of packages which you would like to install. Eg. -k apache,php,mysql
--name node_name Specify the name of the node which you would like to create or add more like it. Eg. --name web1

The following sizes are supported for DigitalOcean and Amazon.

Digital Ocean
512mb , 1gb , 2gb , 4gb , 8gb , 16gb , 32gb , 48gb , 64gb
AWS EC2 Instance Family Current Generation Instance Types
General purpose t2.nano , t2.micro , t2.small , t2.medium , t2.large , m4.large , m4.xlarge , m4.2xlarge , m4.4xlarge , m4.10xlarge , m3.medium , m3.large , m3.xlarge , m3.2xlarge
Compute optimized c4.large , c4.xlarge , c4.2xlarge , c4.4xlarge , c4.8xlarge , c3.large , c3.xlarge , c3.2xlarge , c3.4xlarge , c3.8xlarge
Memory optimized r3.large , r3.xlarge , r3.2xlarge , r3.4xlarge , r3.8xlarge
Storage optimized i2.xlarge , i2.2xlarge , i2.4xlarge , i2.8xlarge , d2.xlarge , d2.2xlarge , d2.4xlarge , d2.8xlarge
GPU instancesg 2.2xlarge , g2.8xlarge
Available packages
Package Description
apache The Apache HTTPd server
apache.mod_php5 Apache with support for PHP
docker It will setup a Docker node or if you add it to multiple nodes a Docker cluster.
glusterfs GlusterFS Scalable Network Filesystem
haproxy HAProxy
memcached The Memcached Server
mongodb The MongoDB Server
mysql The MYSQL Server
nginx The nginx web server
php PHP with the minimal standar modules PHP with default and GD module
php.mysql PHP with default and MYSQL module
php.apcu PHP with default and APCU module
redis The Redis Server
CloudHero always installs official and stable packages, either provided by the distro or by the makers of the software. The best practices are taken into account so you could always take over your infrastructure whenever you want to.
Don't take our word for it! The formulas for installing packages are [avaiable for study and improvement](

This option allows you to horizontally scale any running node, both up and down. ####### UP

$ hero node scale up -e env_id --name node_to_scale --count number_of_nodes
Parameters Description
env_id The environment that you created to run servers into. Use $ hero environment ls to obtain the id.
name Specify the name of the node which you would like to scale. Use $ hero node ls to obtain the name. Eg. --name web1
count Here you just tell CloudHero how many nodes you want to add. Eg. --count 4

####### DOWN

$ hero node scale down -e env_id --name node_to_scale --count number_of_nodes
Parameters Description
env_id The environment that you created to run servers into. Use $ hero environment ls to obtain the id.
name Specify the name of the node which you would like to scale. Use $ hero node ls to obtain the name. Eg. --name web1
count Here you just tell CloudHero how many nodes you want to remove. Eg. --count 4
$ hero node rm node_id
Option Description
node_id The node that you choose to delete. Use $ hero node ls to obtain the id

This option allows you to connect securely using SSH to your nodes

$ hero ssh node_name
Option Description
node_name The node that you choose to connect using SSH. Use $ hero node ls to obtain the name.


You connect to any Docker Swarm cluster provisioned with CloudHero CLI or API

$ hero docker env_id

EXPORT DOCKER_HOST=tcp://ip_of_swarm_node:4000
# Run this command to configure your shell:
# eval "$(hero docker my-env)"
Option Description
env_id The environment where the Docker Swarm cluster is running. Use $ hero environment ls to obtain the id.