Useful terminal commands for ClickCrystals development.
There will be more added in the future.
Name: module-table
Usage: module-table
Description: Generates and copies to your clipboard a markdown table of modules and their
descriptions by reading your local file system for
ClickCrystals module .java files.
Name: packets
Usage: packets -minecraftVersion
Description: Generates and copies to your clipboard a Java HashMap of Packet classes
mapped to their respective names. This util requests data from
with the specified minecraftVersion to get all possible packet names from that
Minecraft Version.
Name: packet-table
Usage: packet-table
Description: Generates and copies to your clipboard a markdown table of packets and their
scripting ID
(Optional, but it's recommended to create a batch file for this)
In the .bat
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -jar downloadedReleaseFilePath.jar %*
Then in terminal:
./yourBatchFileName modules
./yourBatchFileName packets -1.21
Happy ClickCrystals coding!