This project provides a barebone Cordova app and shows simple usage of the Clef Native Cordova plugin.
This project supports the iOS and Andoid cordova platforms. We've been using a Makefile to do less typing when setting up and tearing down the environment, but if you look in the Makefile, you'll see that it is a very thin wrapper over cordova commands. To get started with the project, you'll first need to install Cordova. From the command line, run:
sudo npm install -g cordova
You'll also need to install Xcode (>= 7.3) and Android Studio and the Android SDK (comes with Android Studio). You'll also need to download some additional repositories from Android. From the command line, run:
android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter tools,platform-tools,android-24,build-tools-24.0.2,extra-android-m2repository
Note: if the android
command is not available, you may need to add the Android SDK tools directory to your shell's $PATH
. The default location for these tools is /Users/<USER>/Library/Android/sdk/tools/
. You can add them to your $PATH by typing export PATH=/Users/<USER>/Library/Android/sdk/tools:$PATH
on the command line. You can add this line to your ~/.profile
, which will load it whenever you open up a new shell.
Finally, let's add the iOS and Android platforms to the cordova project:
cordova platform add ios --save
cordova platform add android --save
Now, we'll add the Clef Native Cordova plugin, which is hosted on npm:
cordova plugin add @clef/cordova-plugin-clef --save
The plugin installation may take a moment. Once it's complete, we should be able to compile and run both iOS and Android:
cordova run ios --emulator
cordova run android --device
If you want to update plugins in bulk, I recommend cordova-check-plugins. You can interactive step through plugin upgrades or upgrade them all automatically.