CKAN is the world’s leading open-source data portal platform. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and work with data. It's a data management system that provides a powerful platform for cataloging, storing and accessing datasets with a rich front-end, full API (for both data and catalog), visualization tools and more.
CLARITY's online meta-data catalogue available at reports on all datasets produced and used within the CLARITY H2020 project. It has been used as a “living” Data Management Plan during the course of the project. Datasets therein are described by meta-data compliant to the DataCite metadata schema with CLARITY-specific extensions. The actual data is not stored in the meta-data catalogue directly but in the repositories of the original data provider (data used) and in private (non-open data produced) or public (open data produced) repositories selected or maintained by CLARITY partners. Thereby, the default repository for depositing open data produced by CLARITY is the Zenodo research data repository. The meta-data in the catalogue contains either the public URL for accessing the dataset and/or the contact details of the responsible data provider for requesting access to (non-public) data.
CLARTIY CKAN is based on the official CKAN repository and has among others been cloned to implement some changes to the docker compose file.
CLARITY team has implemented a fully automatic procedure to generate offline documents out of the online catalogue. The respective source code is hosted on GitHub in repository clarity-h2020/data-management-plan and can be executed automatically when changes to the online catalogue have been made.
CLARTIY CKAN is deployed as a set of docker containers on CSIS Development System virtual server. A separate nginx-proxy exposed the internal CKAN service to
Building the docker image is straightforward:
cd /docker/500-ckan
docker-compose build
Containers are managed via the customised docker-compose.yml. The actual configuration is maintained in an .env
while .env.template can be used as blueprint of this configuration file. Variables in this file will be substituted into docker-compose.yml.
The CKAN containers can be started with
cd /docker/500-ckan
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --remove-orphans
After that, the search index of the Redis container should be rebuilt:
docker exec -t ckan-ckan bash -c \
'source /usr/lib/ckan/venv/bin/activate \
&& cd /usr/lib/ckan/venv/src/ckan \
&& ckan-paster search-index rebuild \
--config "${CKAN_CONFIG}"/production.ini'
Data of different containers is stored in the following named volues:
- 'ckan_config' in
- 'ckan_home' in
- 'ckan_storage' in
- 'ckan_pg-data' in
For upgrading CKAN it is necessary to rebase the branch onto ckan:master. Alternatively, the updated ckan Docker image can be referenced in docker+compose.
Before upgrading it is advisable to perform an incremental backup:
cd /docker/999-duplicity/
docker-compose up
Data Volumes as well as the /docker/500-ckan
directory are are included in /docker-duplicity backups configuration.
This material is copyright (c) 2006-2018 Open Knowledge Foundation and contributors.
It is open and licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 whose full text may be found at: