This is a very simple CRUD-like CodeIgniter project. It is similar to what you might find as a tutorial project on the [CI website][], or on [Nettuts][].
There is a very simple login/auth mechanism that uses the CodeIgniter Session helper. The CRUD content is a simple message and timestamp. A user posts a message, and it gets saved to the 'posts' table via CodeIgniter. If any other users are logged in at the time, they will receive a notification that another user has posted a message via a connection (not yet implemented). connections will only be possible between authenticated users.
Check out the files into "ci_sock" subdirectory of your webroot. Import the cisock.sql database into MySQL. Edit the hostname, username, and password of your database in /application/config/database.php. Edit the $config['base_url'] in /application/config/config.php to match your localhost url (e.g. http://localhost/ci\_sock/).
The login info for user 1 is: login: [email protected] pass: password