Name: Kaiyu Chen
When this movies-api server is running, you can visit this api server's document by visiting swagger.
- /api/movies | GET | Gets a list of movies from loacl.
- /api/movies/:id | GET | Gets a single movie's detail from loacl for the movie details page.
- /api/movies/:id/reviews | GET | Gets a single movie's reviews from loacl for the movie details page.
- /api/movies/tmdb/discover/page:page | GET | Gets a list of movies for the home page.
- /api/movies/tmdb/upcoming/page:page | GET | Gets a list of movies for the upcoming movie page.
- /api/movies/tmdb/top_rated/page:page | GET | Gets a list of movies for the top rated movie page.
- /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id | GET | Gets a single movie's detail for the movie details page.
- /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id/images | GET | Gets a single movie's images.
- /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id/reviews | GET | Gets a single movie's reviews.
- /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id/movie_credits | GET | Gets a single movie's credits.
- /api/people/ | GET | Gets popular people from loacl for popular people page.
- /api/people/:id | GET | Gets a single person's detail from loacl for the person details page.
- /api/people/tmdb/popular/page:page | GET | Gets popular people for popular people page.
- /api/people/tmdb/person/:id | GET | Gets a single person's detail for the person details page.
- /api/people/tmdb/person/:id/images | GET | Gets a single person's images.
- /api/people/tmdb/person/:id/combined_credits | GET | Gets a single person's combined credits.
- /api/genres/ | GET | Gets all genres.
All need Authentication.
- /api/reviews/movie/:id/reviews | GET | Gets a single movie's reviews both from TMDB and MONGODB.
- /api/reviews/movie/:id/reviews/:username | POST | Posts or updates a review from the logged in user for a single movie.
- /api/users/ | GET | Gets all users.
- /api/users/ | POST | Registers/Authenticates a user. The body should include username and password.
- /api/users/:id | Put | Updates a single user's information.
- /api/users/:userName/favourites | POST | Add a single movie to a single user's favourites. The body should include the movie's id.
- /api/users/:userName/favourites | GET | Gets a single user's all favourite movies.
- /api/users/:username/movie/:id/favourites | POST | Delete a speicfic movie from a single user's all favourite movies.
Users endpoint
GET /api/users
database connected to movies on
✓ should return the 2 users and a status 200
POST /api/users
For a register action
when the payload is correct
✓ should return a 201 status and the confirmation message (261ms)
For an authenticate action
when the payload is correct
✓ should return a 200 status and a generated token (252ms)
POST /api/users/:username/favourites
when the username is valid
when the movie is not in favourites
✓ should return added message and status code 201 (166ms)
when the movie is in favourites
✓ return error message and status code 403 (118ms)
when the username is invalid
✓ return error message and status code 500
GET /api/users/:username/favourites
✓ should return user's favourite movies list and status code 200
POST /api/users/:username/movie/:id/favourites
when the username is valid
when the movie is in favourites
✓ should return deleted movie message and status code 201 (64ms)
when the movie is not in favourites
✓ return error message and status cdoe 404
when the username is invalid
✓ return error message and status code 404
Movies endpoint
GET /api/movies
✓ should return 20 movies and a status 200 (43ms)
GET /api/movies/:id
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching movie (86ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (130ms)
GET /api/movies/tmdb/discover/page:page
when the page is valid
✓ should return the matching movies form tmdb and status code 200 (98ms)
when the page is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
GET /api/movies/tmdb/upcoming/page:page
when the page is valid
✓ should return the matching movies form tmdb and status code 200 (164ms)
when the page is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
GET /api/movies/tmdb/top_rated/page:page
when the page is valid
✓ should return the matching movies form tmdb and status code 200 (115ms)
when the page is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
GET /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching movie details from tmdb and status code 200 (92ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (114ms)
GET /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id/images
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching movie images from tmdb and status code 200 (107ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (89ms)
GET /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id/reviews
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching movie reviews from tmdb and status code 200 (93ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (98ms)
GET /api/movies/tmdb/movie/:id/movie_credits
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching movie credits from tmdb and status code 200 (93ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (109ms)
Genres endpoint
GET /api/genres
✓ should return 4 genres from db and status code 200 (41ms)
GET /api/genres/tmdb
✓ should return a list of genres from tmdb and a status 200
People endpoint
GET /api/people
✓ should return 20 people and status code 200 (68ms)
GET /api/people/:id
when the id is valid
✓ should an object of matching people and a status 200
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
GET /api/people/tmdb/popular/page:page
when the page is valid
✓ should return the matching people list form tmdb and status code 200 (109ms)
when the page is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
GET /api/people/tmdb/person/:id
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching person details from tmdb and status code 200 (108ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (101ms)
GET /api/people/tmdb/person/:id/images
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching person images from tmdb and status code 200 (98ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (95ms)
GET /api/people/tmdb/person/:id/combined_credits
when the id is valid
✓ should return the matching person combined credits from tmdb and status code 200 (109ms)
when the id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (90ms)
Reviews endpoint
GET /api/reviews/movie/:id/reviews
when movie id is valid
✓ should a object contains a list of the reviews of the movie and a status 200 (129ms)
when movie id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
✓ should return Internal Server Error (109ms)
POST /api/reviews/movie/:id/reviews/:username
when movie id is valid
when the content is not empty
✓ should return reviews list and status code 201
when the content is empty
✓ should return error messagea and status code 403
when movie id is invalid
✓ should return the NOT found message
54 passing (18s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 84.73 | 77.25 | 84.43 | 85.05 |
assignment2 | 97.14 | 50 | 100 | 97.14 |
index.js | 97.14 | 50 | 100 | 97.14 | 21
assignment2/api | 88.23 | 79.16 | 86.11 | 88.23 |
tmdb-api.js | 88.23 | 79.16 | 86.11 | 88.23 | 8,13,22,27,36,41,66,71,109,114
assignment2/api/genres | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
genreModel.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
genresData.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
index.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
assignment2/api/movies | 89.17 | 87.14 | 94.87 | 83.49 |
index.js | 88.11 | 87.14 | 94.73 | 81.11 | 28,35-45,55-69
movieModel.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
moviesData.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
assignment2/api/people | 96.73 | 95.12 | 100 | 98.18 |
index.js | 96.47 | 95.12 | 100 | 97.95 | 16
peopleModel.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
assignment2/api/reviews | 96.22 | 94.11 | 88.88 | 95.23 |
index.js | 97.82 | 94.11 | 100 | 97.22 | 52
reviewModel.js | 85.71 | 100 | 0 | 83.33 | 16
assignment2/api/users | 86.46 | 77.61 | 90.32 | 86.51 |
index.js | 86.11 | 78.94 | 88 | 86.15 | 84,90,104,153-161
userModel.js | 88 | 70 | 100 | 87.5 | 19,30,34
assignment2/authenticate | 66.66 | 0 | 25 | 73.68 |
index.js | 66.66 | 0 | 25 | 73.68 | 15-20
assignment2/db | 81.81 | 100 | 33.33 | 81.81 |
index.js | 81.81 | 100 | 33.33 | 81.81 | 11,14
assignment2/seedData | 32.3 | 5 | 0 | 40.47 |
genres.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
index.js | 16.98 | 5 | 0 | 26.47 | 12-46,49-51
movies.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
people.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
users.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
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