This is the code repository for the experiment/blog post hosted at
In addition to the static content for the blog post, this code will also send database requests to 5 databases:
- Deno KV
- DynamoDB
- Fauna
- PlanetScale
- Upstash Redis
The primary goal is to measure latency of requests for operations sent to the databases and analyse their features, characteristics, performance, etc. All database requests are sent from this Fresh application running on Deno Deploy. Deploy was chosen as the edge function provider as it is the only one (currently) which can access KV.
To run locally, you will need to setup a database in each of the providers (except KV) and capture the values for the environment variables above. Some need schemas uploaded or defined, and all need some minor static data inserted (see comments in code for each database).
Note: By default, database calls (except KV) are disabled when running locally.
Start the project:
deno task start
This will watch the project directory and restart as necessary.