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Cjdns implements an encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. This provides near-zero-configuration networking, and prevents many of the security and scalability issues that plague existing networks.
23:26 <@jercos> well, cjdns is now officially more reliable than the open
internet for getting to my cheaper VPSes :|
12:52 < mariner> so i don't know if it's been done before, and i assume it's
obvious, but I think it's neat. Currently on hype from an
00:36 < tester> man sites take so long to load on i2p
00:36 < tester> i value speed over anonymity any day
<DuoNoxSol> it's notably more reliable than the normal internet
09:46 < Kubuxu> I so love cjdns code base
<whyrusleeping> my internet is way better now.
<whyrusleeping> thanks
<whyrusleeping> i'm really upset and sad that its better
<whyrusleeping> but also quite happy
21:01 <@grewalsat> this is amazing. with my workpalce results I get around 6+mb speed, and with my cjdns-gate as vpn network I'm getting like 11-15mb download speed in
21:01 <@grewalsat> :P
21:01 <@grewalsat> plus, access anything! :D
<davidar> Yeah, I have to admit I sort of avoided hypeirc because of stuff like that
- irc://
- Hyperboria the largest cjdns network, as of October 2015 there are 2100 nodes.
- /r/darknetplan
- #cjdns on Twitter
- /r/CJDNS
Advanced configuration:
Thank you for your time and interest,
The cjdns developers.
These instructions are for Debian-based Linux distributions and macOS. They should be informative enough for use on other distributions - just don't expect them to work verbatim. If you want to know what operating system's base is go here.
You must have Rust/Cargo, see: for information about how to install.
If you have Node.js installed, the build will be slightly faster but this is not necessary. If Node.js is unavailable or an unacceptable version, it will be downloaded and installed in the source tree.
sudo apt-get install nodejs git build-essential python2.7
sudo dnf install nodejs git
sudo dnf install @development-tools
sudo yum localinstall
sudo yum install nodejs git
sudo yum install @development-tools
sudo dnf install nodejs git
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
emerge --ask nodejs sys-devel/gcc dev-lang/python:3.4 dev-vcs/git
Install with MacPorts:
sudo port install cjdns
pkg_add git node gcc gmake bash
Select version gcc-4.8.1p2 or more recent.
Everything you need is available prebuild in FreeBSD' ports.
pkg install gmake node
You can install cjdns by running:
pacman -S cjdns
If you need to build from source, everything you need can be installed like this:
pacman -S nodejs git base-devel
Alternatively, you may like to install via AUR from the package, cjdns-git
After installation, the configuration file is located at /etc/cjdroute.conf
To start the service cjdns.service
, do:
systemctl start cjdns
To stop it:
systemctl stop cjdns
cjdns is not yet in the main Gentoo repository, so you will have to use an overlay. The easiest way is to use Layman but you can do it by hand, too.
First, you need to install layman.
emerge layman
If layman is installed correctly, you can add the overlay
layman -f
layman -a weuxel
For future update of the overlay use
layman -S
Now you can install cjdns
emerge cjdns
You will have to clone the overlay repository
cd /opt
git clone
Now tell portage to use this repo
cd /etc/portage/repos.conf/
Create a file portage-weuxel.conf
location = /opt/portage-weuxel
masters = gentoo
auto-sync = yes
Now sync
emerge --sync
And install cjdns
emerge cjdns
Copy the the openrc init script from contrib/openrc
to /etc/init.d/
and modify the CONFFILE
and command
parameter to your needs.
Then start cjdns by issuing
/etc/init.d/cjdns start
Configure the init system to autostart cjdns
rc-update add cjdns default
Copy the service_restart script contrib/gentoo/
to any convenient directory on
your system and modify the eMail address. If you do not wish to be notified, comment out the whole line.
Now add a crontab entry like this
# Restart crashed Services
* * * * * root /path/to/script/
sudo eopkg install nodejs git build-essential system.devel python gcc binutils kernal-headers xorg-server-devel
Then Follow the steps below:
Sorry for so many steps. A package is being worked on currently
Clone the repository from GitHub and change to the source directory:
git clone cjdns
cd cjdns
Look for Build completed successfully, type ./cjdroute to begin setup.
, then
proceed below:
Run cjdroute without options for HELP:
If you're on macOS, don't worry about this step.
LANG=C cat /dev/net/tun
If it says: cat: /dev/net/tun: File descriptor in bad state
If it says: cat: /dev/net/tun: No such file or directory
, create it using:
sudo mkdir -p /dev/net &&
sudo mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 &&
sudo chmod 0666 /dev/net/tun
Then cat /dev/net/tun
If it says: cat: /dev/net/tun: Permission denied
You're probably using a VPS
based on the OpenVZ virtualization platform. Ask your provider to enable the
TUN/TAP device - this is standard protocol so they should know exactly what you
./cjdroute --genconf >> cjdroute.conf
Protect your conf file!
A lost conf file means you lost your password and connections and anyone who connected to you will no longer be able to connect. A compromised conf file means that other people can impersonate you on the network.
To generate a conf file with permissions set so that only your user can read it and write to it:
(umask 077 && ./cjdroute --genconf > cjdroute.conf)
To get into an existing network (e.g. Hyperboria), you need to connect to someone who is already in the network. This is required for a number of reasons:
- It helps prevent abuse because bad people will be less likely to abuse a system after they were, in an act of human kindness, given access to that system.
- This is not intended to overlay The Old Internet, it is intended to replace it. Each connection will in due time be replaced by a wire, a fiber optic cable, or a wireless network connection.
- In any case of a disagreement, there will be a "chain of friends" linking the people involved so there will already be a basis for coming to a resolution.
To find a friend, get out there and join our community. Also, have a look at the Hyperboria Map to find peers near you.
You can also use the geographically assorted list of public peering credentials for joining Hyperboria at hyperboria/peers.
To initiate the connection OUTbound
In your conf file, you will see:
// Nodes to connect to.
// Add connection credentials here to join the network
// Ask somebody who is already connected.
A conf file with multiple friend-nodes, setup OUTbound, should look like:
// Nodes to connect to.
//friend_1 (IPv4:; IPv6 fcaa:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
"login": "k.alexander"
"password": "thisIsNotARealConnection_1",
"publicKey": "thisIsJustForAnExampleDoNotUseThisInYourConfFile_1.k"
//friend_2 (IPv4:; IPv6 fcbb:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
"login": "k.alexander"
"password": "thisIsNotARealConnection_2",
"publicKey": "thisIsJustForAnExampleDoNotUseThisInYourConfFile_2.k"
You can add as many connections as you want to the connectTo
following JSON syntax.
To allow your friend to initiate the connection INbound
In your conf file, you will see:
// A unique string which is known to the client and server.
{"password": "password001", "login": "default-login"}
// More passwords should look like this.
// {"password": "password002", "login": "my-second-peer"}
// {"password": "password003", "login": "my-third-peer}
// {"password": "password004", "login": "my-fourth-peer"}
// "":{"login": "default-login", "password": "password001","publicKey":thisisauniqueKEY_001.k"}
A conf file with multiple friend-nodes, setup INbound, should look like:
// A unique string which is known to the client and server.
{"password": "thisisauniquestring_001", "user": "k.alexander"}
// More passwords should look like this.
//William Jevons (IPv4:; IPv6 fcaa:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
{"password": "thisisauniquestring_002", "user": "William Jevons"}
//Marilyn Patel (IPv4:; IPv6 fcbb:5bac:66e4:713:cb00:e446:c317:fc39)
{"password": "thisisauniquestring_003", "user": "Marilyn Patel"}
// {"password": "thisisauniquestring_004"}
// "":{"password": "thisisauniquestring_001","publicKey":thisisauniqueKEY_001.k"}
You need to give William Jevons (who is making the INbound connection) the following 4 items:
Your external IPv4
The port found in your conf file here:
// Bind to this port. "bind": "",
Their unique password that you uncommented or created:
"password": "thisisauniquestring_002"
Your public key:
"publicKey": "thisisauniqueKEY_001.k"
His username: "William Jevons"
His login credentials will look something like this (with your IPv4 and port):
"": {
"login": "William Jevons",
"password": "thisisauniquestring_002",
"publicKey": "thisIsJustForAnExampleDoNotUseThisInYourConfFile_1.k"
Please note that you and your friend can initiate a connection either outbound (from YOU --> FRIEND) or inbound (from FRIEND --> YOU) but traffic flows both ways once the connection is established.
See doc/ for more details on configuration, including how to peer with other cjdns nodes over ethernet and wifi.
Once your node is running, you're now a newly minted IPv6 host. Your operating system may automatically reconfigure network services to use this new address. If this is not what you intend, you should check to see that you are not offering more services than you intended to. ;)
See doc/ for instructions.
sudo ./cjdroute < cjdroute.conf
If you want to have your logs written to a file:
sudo ./cjdroute < cjdroute.conf > cjdroute.log
To stop cjdns:
sudo killall cjdroute
If you are having problems use killall cjdroute
to return to sanity. Use
pgrep cjdroute
or top
to see if it running.
This starts cjdns as the root user so it can configure your system without concern for permissions. To start cjdns as a non-root user, see doc/
Welcome to the network! You're now a network administrator. There are responsibilities which come with being a network administrator which include being available in case there is something wrong with your equipment. You should stay on IRC so that people can reach you.
When cjdroute is up and running, the admin interface will be available at
(this can be changed in the cjdroute.conf
configuration file). See doc/ for more
information about the admin interface. There are several tools in contrib/
that can interact with it.
You can access the admin API with:
- Don't report in this repo, please instead report it at
- Get on IRC and talk to somebody
- What will happen is either
- Someone feels like fixing it
- You feel like fixing it
- Nobody cares about it and it will be forgotten for a while and maybe someone will hit it later and fix it or else it will get wiped away in a refactoring
- Nobody can fix it at the moment but it is considered worth remembering because it has great significance to the way the code is developed, in this case it needs to be explained in technical terms by someone with strong familiarity with the code. They will make a pull request to the docs/bugs directory.
Security issues should be reported on IRC the same as other bugs. We don't have a closed group of people with special knowledge so that means the default security reporting method is full disclosure.
See: to see if a possible security issue is really a security issue.