QGIS plugin to export data and styles to Spatial Data Packages that can be uploaded on the Spatial Data Package Platform, e.g. gemeindescan.ch.
This tool exports spatial data packages. The data package specification is based on the Frictionless Data toolkit. Main development by Gispo Ltd.
QGIS | 3.10 |
Python | 3.6 |
Platform | 0.2 |
The plugin can be installed by downloading a release from this repository or a stable release from the QGIS Plugin Repository.
To download from GitHub:
Download the latest release from Releases.
Launch QGIS and the plugins menu by selecting Plugins - Manage and Install Plugins from the top menu.
Select the Install from ZIP tab, browse to the zip file you just downloaded, and click Install Plugin!
Unable to Install Plugin - No Python Support Detected
Some versions of QGIS on some operating systems come without a working python environment. Seen on fresh installs on Fedora 33.
Geometry Types
- Point / MultiPoint
- Linestring / MultiLinestring
- Polygon / MultiPolygon
Symbol Types
- Single Symbol
- Categorized Symbol
- Graduated Symbol
Symbol Layer Types
- Simple Fill (Polygon)
- Centroid Fill Circle (Polygon, Point)
- Outline: Simple Line (Polygon)
- Simple Line (Linestring)
Styling Properties
- Size (only circle and line layers)
- Fill color (color and opacity, only fill layers)
- Stroke color (color and opacity)
- Stroke width
Refer to development to instructions for developing the plugin.
This plugin is licenced with GNU Genereal Public License, version 3. See LICENSE for more information.