The cv
command is a utility for interacting with a CiviCRM installation. It performs an automatic scan to locate and boot the CiviCRM installation. It provides command-line access to helper functions and configuration data, such as APIv3 and site URLs.
- PHP v7.3+.
- A local CiviCRM installation.
- Systems with special file-layouts may need to configure bootstrap.
is distributed in PHAR format, which is a portable executable file (for PHP). It should run on most Unix-like systems where PHP is installed.
Here are three quick ways to download it:
Download the latest release of
(SHA256, GPG) and put it in the PATH. For example:sudo curl -LsS -o /usr/local/bin/cv sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cv
(Learn more: Install
as system-wide tool (Linux/BSD/macOS)) -
Or... add
and other CiviCRM tools to a composer project (Drupal 9/10/11)composer require civicrm/cli-tools
(Learn more: Install
as project tool (composer)) -
Or... use's
installer to download, validate, and cache thecv.phar
file.phive install civicrm/cv
(Learn more: Install
as project tool (phive))
There are several more options for downloading cv
. See also:
- Download URLs for alternate versions
- Comparison of install options
- Install
as a system-wide/standalone tool - Install
as a tool within another project
provides a number of subcommands. To see a list, run cv
without any arguments.
For detailed help about a specific subcommand, use -h
as in cv api -h
There are some general conventions:
- Many subcommands support common bootstrap options, such as
, and--test
. - Many subcommands support multiple output formats using
. You may set a general preference with an environment variable, e.g.export CV_OUTPUT=json-pretty
orexport CV_OUTPUT=php
me@localhost$ cd /var/www/my/web/site
## Clear caches
me@localhost$ cv flush
## Manage extensions
me@localhost$ cv ext -Li
me@localhost$ cv dl cividiscount
me@localhost$ cv en cividiscount
me@localhost$ cv dis cividiscount
me@localhost$ cv path -x cividiscount
me@localhost$ cv url -x cividiscount
## Manage settings
me@localhost$ cv vget
me@localhost$ cv vget /mail/
me@localhost$ cv vset mailerBatchLimit=100
## Call APIs
me@localhost$ cv api3 contact.get last_name=Smith
me@localhost$ cv api4 Contact.get +w last_name=Smith
## Improvise PHP
me@localhost$ cv ev 'echo Civi::paths()->getPath("[civicrm.root]/.");'
me@localhost$ cv scr /path/to/my-script.php
me@localhost$ cv cli
## Improvise web requests
me@localhost$ cv url civicrm/dashboard --open
me@localhost$ cv url civicrm/dashboard --open -LU admin
me@localhost$ cv http civicrm/dashboard
me@localhost$ cv http civicrm/dashboard -LU admin
## Inspect events and services
me@localhost$ cv event
me@localhost$ cv event /flexmailer/
me@localhost$ cv service
me@localhost$ cv service /flexmailer/
If you intend to run unit-tests, and if you do not use civibuild
then you may need to supply some additional site information (such as
the name of the test users). To do this, run:
me@localhost$ cd /var/www/my/web/site
me@localhost$ cv vars:show
me@localhost$ cv vars:fill
me@localhost$ vi ~/.cv.json
me@localhost$ cv vars:show
Suppose you have a standalone script or a test runner which needs to execute
in the context of a CiviCRM site. You don't want to hardcode it to a
specific path, create special-purpose config files, or require a specific
directory structure. Instead, call cv php:boot
and eval()
. The simplest way:
eval(`cv php:boot`)
However, it is better to create a small wrapper function to improve error-handling and output parsing:
* Call the "cv" command.
* @param string $cmd
* The rest of the command to send.
* @param string $decode
* Ex: 'json' or 'phpcode'.
* @return string
* Response output (if the command executed normally).
* @throws \RuntimeException
* If the command terminates abnormally.
function cv($cmd, $decode = 'json') {
$cmd = 'cv ' . $cmd;
$descriptorSpec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => STDERR);
$env = (!empty($_ENV) ? $_ENV : getenv()) + array('CV_OUTPUT' => 'json');
$process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorSpec, $pipes, __DIR__, $env);
$result = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
if (proc_close($process) !== 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Command failed ($cmd):\n$result");
switch ($decode) {
case 'raw':
return $result;
case 'phpcode':
// If the last output is /*PHPCODE*/, then we managed to complete execution.
if (substr(trim($result), 0, 12) !== "/*BEGINPHP*/" || substr(trim($result), -10) !== "/*ENDPHP*/") {
throw new \RuntimeException("Command failed ($cmd):\n$result");
return $result;
case 'json':
return json_decode($result, 1);
throw new RuntimeException("Bad decoder format ($decode)");
eval(cv('php:boot', 'phpcode'));
$config = cv('vars:show');
printf("We should navigate to the dashboard: %s\n\n", cv('url civicrm/dashboard'));
must find and bootstrap the local instance of CiviCRM, Drupal, WordPress, or similar. This may work a few ways:
Automatic: By default,
checks the current directory and each parent directory for evidence of well-known environment (such as Drupal or WordPress).The automatic search is designed to work with a default site-layout -- as seen in a typical "zip" or "tar" file from
, or similar. Some deployments add more advanced options -- such as configuring "multi-site", adding bespoke "symlinks", or moving thewp-admin
folder. For advanced layouts, you may need to set an environment variable. -
(new protocol): Boot the CMS first (and then ask it to boot CiviCRM). This is more representative of a typical HTTP page-view, and it is compatible with commands likecore:install
. Set this environment variable to specify the CMS type and base-directory. Compare:export CIVICRM_BOOT="Drupal://var/www/public" export CIVICRM_BOOT="Drupal8://admin@/var/www/public" export CIVICRM_BOOT="WordPress:/$HOME/sites/my-wp-site/web/" export CIVICRM_BOOT="Auto://."
(old protocol): Boot CiviCRM first (and then ask it to boot the CMS). Set this environment variable to specify thecivicrm.settings.php
location. Compare:export CIVICRM_SETTINGS="/var/www/sites/default/files/civicrm.settings.php" export CIVICRM_SETTINGS="Auto"
(Note: In the legacy protocol,
loads CiviCRM and then asks CiviCRM to boostrap the CMS. However, it is less representative of a typical HTTP page-view, and it is incompatible with commands likecore:install
. You might use it for headless testing or as fallback/work-around if any bugs are discovered in the standard protocol.)
NOTE: In absence of a configuration variable, the Automatic mode will behave like
(in v0.3.x). This is tentatively planned to change in v0.4.x, where it will behave likeCIVICRM_BOOT="Auto://."
Additionally, some deployments handle multiple sites ("multisite"/"multidomain"). You should target a specific site using --hostname
Here are a few examples of putting these together:
## Use --hostname for a domain
export CIVICRM_BOOT="WordPress:/$HOME/public_html/"
cv --hostname='' ext:list -L
## Use HTTP_HOST for a domain
export CIVICRM_BOOT="WordPress:/$HOME/public_html/"
cv ext:list -L
## Use --hostname for a subfolder
export CIVICRM_BOOT="WordPress:/$HOME/public_html/"
cv --hostname='' ext:list -L
There is limited/experimental support for shell autocompletion based on stecman/symfony-console-completion. To enable it:
# BASH ~4.x, ZSH
source <(cv _completion --generate-hook)
# BASH ~3.x, ZSH
cv _completion --generate-hook | source /dev/stdin
# BASH (any version)
eval $(cv _completion --generate-hook)
For more information, see doc/