A way to transform Google's mobility data during the COVID-19 pandemic to a JSON file per country
As this dataset continues growing, we reached a file size limit of Github. This way, the output structure changed to make files smaller. This was done by moving regional data to individual files instead of being stored in the country file.
The output has now the following structure:
| |__________google_mobility_data_XX.json
| |__________google_mobility_data_XY.json
| |__________google_mobility_data_XX-AA.json
| |__________google_mobility_data_XX-AB.json
| |__________google_mobility_data_XY-subregion1name.json
| |__________google_mobility_data_XY-subregion1name.json
| |__________google_mobility_data_XX_subregion1name_subregion2name.json
- The two letter code for countries is stable and covers the whole dataset
- The iso_3166_2 code for subregion1 is used where possible. If unavailable, name is used instead
- There are no codes for subregion2 or metro_areas. It is also not possible to use the iso_3166_2 code to group these because it is not provided in the source
Reads from the CSV available at https://www.gstatic.com/covid19/mobility/Global_Mobility_Report.csv
More info on this data: https://www.google.com/covid19/mobility/data_documentation.html?hl=en#about-this-data
I will try to run once a day and push an update on fresh data
You can access the data using a URL like:
[2 letter country code].json
Example: https://cityxdev.github.io/covid19GoogleMobilityJSON/data/countries/google_mobility_data_PT.json