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SIL Assessment

Testing Frontend Web Dev skills

GitHub Super-Linter

API Usage and Endpoint

The application consumes data from JSONPlaceholder

Set up locally

The project was set up using Vite - A blazingly fast Frontend build tool

  1. Fork and clone this repository.

  2. Run npm install && npm run dev and open localhost

  3. Optional: Run npm run tailwind, a custom script for watching output.css generated by TailwindCSS

Deployment - via Vercel

Vercel live-link


Pull requests(PRs) are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Technologies Used

  1. Frontend library, check out the React documentation
  2. Frontend tooling, see Vite
  3. UI library, check out TailwindCSS
  4. User Authentication and Authorization, check out Firebase
  5. For Backend service, see JSONPlaceholder
  6. Deployment service was handled by Vercel
  7. Sentry SDK to automatically report errors and exceptions in our application


This project was bootstrapped with Vite.


This project is licensed under the MIT License