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TUI for nix module options search

The goal of nix-option-search is to efficiently search through options provided by the nix module system. is very nice, but works only for nixos options. But there are others like home-manager, devenv, kubenix, etc., and probably more to come.

nix-option-search is one command line tool to search them all. The approach is to build options.json and interactively explore them using fzf. Fzf allows for efficient filtering and detailed option previews. Simple, yet effective.

The extensibility is a key feature of the nix module system. It is simple to define additional options by integrating or even writing entirely new (convenience) modules. Such locally defined options are simply not present in an online system. That is a problem nix-option-search tries to address. The aim is to extract an options.json from the locally defined setup where all options are present. This avoids version mismatches and ensures that the search always shows exactly the option that are available.

NOTE: The tools is still in an experimental stage. That means, it can be used, but things like key-bindings, preview format, and the module-based integration are subject to change.

Standalone Usage

nix run github:ciderale/nix-option-search [module-system-name]

The currently supported module systems are "nixos", "home-manager", "devenv", and "kubenix". If no argument is provided, a prompt allows for selecting the module system using fzf-based selection.

nix-option-search then allows for interactive exploration of the module options. There is an detailed preview for the selected option. CTRL-? shows a help screen with the currently supported key bindings.

Module Integration (Experimental, subject to change)

This tool directly uses the options of your module configuration. It therefore cannot have a version mismatch and also shows your locally defined custom options or any other additional options.

Installation (using nix flakes)

Installation and activation requires three steps:

  • configure the dependency via flake input
  • import one of the provided modules in your modules
    • flake-parts: provides output.packages.*.flake-parts-option-search
    • flake-parts-devenv: adds options to enable option-search in your devShells
    • default: fallback, for use in nixos, home-manager,, etc.
  • activate option-search via documentation.option-search.enable

Configure flake input

inputs = {
	nix-option-search.url = "github:ciderale/nix-option-search";
	nix-option-search.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Generic default module

Add the module inputs.nix-option-search.modules.default to your modules import list and enable the provided documentation-option-search.enable option:

{pkgs, ...}: {
	imports = [inputs.nix-option-search.modules.default];
  documentation.option-search.enable = true;

The inputs.nix-options-search can be provided by different means:

  • via lexical closure (when the module is defined directly in flake.nix
  • via specialArgs = {inherit inputs;} construct in lib.evalModule
  • via additional argument in flakes module inputs: {pkgs,...}: {

The modules.flake-parts-devenv simplifies this step as it directly injects the module into the devenv configurations imports.

This works for popular module systems, like nixos, home-manager,, and places the nix-options-search binary in the corresponding package installation option (e.g. packages, home.packages, environment.defaultPackages). For others, the binary is available via internal documentation.packages option.

Flake-Parts Setup with shells

The module nix-option-search.modules.flake-parts-devenv has to be added to flake-parts imports list. This automatically adds the modules.default to the devenv imports list and makes the documentation options available:

outputs = inputs @ { flake-parts, ...}:
  flake-parts.lib.mkFlake {inherit inputs;} {
    imports = [
      inputs.nix-option-search.modules.flake-parts-devenv # add this line
    devenv.shells.default = {
      # .. in some of your devenv module configurations ..
      documentation.option-search.enable = true;
      documentation.option-search.flake-parts.enable = true;

The flake-parts-devenv module provides two option-search tools:

  • nix-options-search: only devenv module options without the flake-parts (prefix).
  • flake-parts-options-search: all flake-parts options, including devenv module options (but prefixed).

The latter is helpful when using flake-parts modules other than

Flake-Parts Setup (without

The module nix-option-search.modules.flake-parts exports the flake-parts-options-search package via outputs.packages.$arch.flake-parts-option-search. It can be run with nix run .#flake-parts-option-search or accessed in perSystem configuration via config.packages.flake-parts-option-search.

outputs = inputs @ { flake-parts, ...}:
  flake-parts.lib.mkFlake {inherit inputs;} {
    imports = [
      inputs.nix-option-search.modules.flake-parts # add this line
  perSystem = {config,...}: {
    # use `config.packages.flake-parts-option-search`

Summary of the configuration options

The provided module defines options in options.documentation.option-search:

  • enable: (boolean) add cli tool to the relevant packages options
    • added to environment.defaultPackages for nixos
    • added to home.packages for home-manager
    • added to packages for
  • name: (string) the name of the nix-option-search wrapper command
  • package: (package) the cli tool bundled name bundled with option.json

Standalone search commands (flake package outputs)

  • nix-option-search (default)
    • wrapper including 'nixos', 'home-manager', 'devenv', 'kubenix' options
    • always builds the option.json from the latest github revision
  • nix-option-search-cli
    • without any wrapper for options.json
  • nix-package-search: search nixpkgs using fzf (based on nix-search)
    • set NIXPGS_EXPR (default nixpkgs) to define the version to search


Nix Module Option Search







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