- Java 11
- SpringBoot
- Lombok
- Spring Data JPA
- H2 in-memory DB
- Mockito
- MockMvc
- Wiremock
- Flyway
- How to run this application
- How to access the spring boot restful application
- Design and implementation
- Assumptions
- Navigate the root folder /weather-app under the command line
- Run the command to build the whole project:
gradle clean build
- Run the command to start the application:
java -jar ./build/libs/weather-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --openweather.api.token={your openweather api token}
- If you want to run in IDE, please check application.yml to change "FIXME" in token part
you can access via:
http://localhost:8090/weather?city={city}&country={two characters country code}&token={can be found in data init}
This is the example:
- Implement a separate RateLimitService for rate limitation, using a simple way like sliding window to count the requests for last hour. For calculating, stored requests history as token usages into a table.
- Hibernate builds the entity layer
- Flyway prepares the initial data
- Spring Data JPA builds the repository layer
- Mockito and MockMvc unit test service and controller layer, Wiremock for 3rd party API tests
- Defined customised exceptions for better error handling and all the exceptions can be centrally handled in one place (ControllerExceptionHandler.java)
- Lombok automatically generates getter,setter, constructor, hashcode, log etc.
- High test coverage
- didn't consider rate limitation in Openweather API side
- since the overall traffic is pretty low, didn't choose 3rd party lib for rate limits and faster ways for storing requests history