This is a repository to build a k8s based, argocd-orchestrated software thingamabob.
- Have a k8s cluster with traefik as ingress controller
- Install argocd:
helm install --repo argocd argo-cd --namespace=argocd --create-namespace
- Follow the instruction from the chart (wait until the pods are up):
- start a port forwarding:
kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
- get the initial password:
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
- start a port forwarding:
- Login with the argo CLI:
argocd login localhost:8080
- optional: change password:
argocd account update-password
- optional: change password:
- Register the application package:
argocd app create apps --dest-namespace argocd --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --repo --path apps
- Sync the root application:
argocd app sync apps
- Sync argocd to configure ingress:
argocd app sync argocd
- Login again under the new ingress:
argocd login argocd.k3s.internal
- Initialize the other applications
# syncing traefik CDR first, so that the other resources can be interpreted
argocd app sync apps --local apps --resource
# currently, for some reason metallb is not initialized properly
helm repo add metallb
helm install metallb metallb/metallb -f metallb/values.yaml