A tool to automatically patch vulnerable Ethereum smart contracts. This repository also includes the data, tools, and results from our paper. Our paper can be found here.
Download and install Docker Desktop for Mac: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/mac/install/
For other operating systems follow the installation instructions on docker.com.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup override set nightly
Please also configure the PATH
environment variable.
For more details or other operating systems please follow the installation instructions on rust-lang.org.
cd elysium
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
solc-select install 0.4.24
solc-select use 0.4.24
docker pull christoftorres/osiris
docker pull christoftorres/oyente
docker pull christoftorres/mythril
docker pull christoftorres/smartshield
docker pull christoftorres/sguard
cd elysium
# Example patching multiple integer overflows
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-101/tokensalechallenge/tokensalechallenge.sol --cfg
# Example patching integer underflow
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-101/subtraction/integer_overflow_minimal/integer_overflow_minimal.sol -c IntegerOverflowMinimal --cfg
# Example patching unhandled exceptions
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-104/unchecked_return_value.sol -c ReturnValue --cfg
# Example patching leaking ether
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-105/simple_ether_drain.sol -c SimpleEtherDrain --cfg
# Example patching suicidal contract
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-106/simple_suicide.sol -c SimpleSuicide --cfg
# Example patching reentrancy and integer overflow
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-107/simple_dao.sol -c SimpleDAO --cfg
# Example patching unsafe delegatecall
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-112/proxy.sol -c Proxy --cfg
# Example patching transaction origin
python3 elysium.py -s ../evaluation/datasets/SWC/SWC-115/mycontract.sol -c MyContract --cfg