A Vagrant file used for deploying a CentOS 6 based environment with the latest production version of the Systers patched Mailman. This VM is setup very close to how the production instance.
- VirtualBox >=4.1.x
- vagrant >=1.0.3
Install VirtualBox by going to their download page.
Install Vagrant
gem install vagrant
If you need more help installing Vagrant, please take a look at their installation documentation.
This repo includes two different versions of mailman for development: 1) mailman 2 with systers patches 2) mailman 3 development environment. They are split between the following directories which you need to cd into to run the commands below:
- mm2 == Mailman 2 with systers patches
- mm2-32bit == Mailman 2 with systers patches on i686
- mm3 == Mailman 3 development environment
The Vagrantfile is setup to automatically download a VM image that already has the Systers mailman configured and already deployed. Make sure you cd into one of the environments before running the commands below.
vagrant up
NOTE: If you get an error that a port is currently being used, open up the Vagrantfile and change the port to something else (the second port number listed in the file).
vagrant ssh
The initial login will be as the vagrant
user. If you need root privileges
just type sudo su -
Any files that reside in the directory which contains the Vagrantfile will show
up inside of the VM as /vagrant
so that you are free to edit files from your
workstation outside the VM if you want.
vagrant halt
NOTE: This will delete any files on the VM itself. Please be careful!
vagrant destroy
vagrant up
Please make sure you are in the mm2
directory when running the vagrant
commands above for this environment.
You can access the mailman web interface by going to http://localhost:8080/mailman/listinfo in your browser.
The site admin password is systers
and the password for the systers-admin list
is systers
as well.
The system will send email however it has no way of accepting email from outside of the VM. So the only way to test email efficiently is by sending mail to local users on the VM itself.
Mutt has been installed so that you can send and read email that has been sent locally on the VM. You will not be able to use a regular mail client to send mail since the VM is running local so mutt is the best option. If you are not familiar with Mutt, check out their getting started documentation to learn more about the basic commands.
The following email addresses should work locally on the VM:
If you need more addresses just create additional local users. You will have to be logged in as the user to view their mail however (use sudo and su).
TODO: More details to come but some basics below.
The files are installed in various directories on the system, but for a reference you can find them here:
/etc/mailman-systers # mailman config files
/usr/lib/mailman-systers # mailman python files, binaries, etc
/var/lib/mailman-systers # mailman data, lists archives, etc
/var/log/mailman-systers # mailman logs
To access mailman more directly via the command line, just type sudo su - mailman
which will put you in the /usr/lib/mailman-systers
To access postgres, run sudo su - postgres
and then psql
Please make sure you are in the mm3
directory when running the vagrant
commands above for this environment.
This environment has been setup following Meflin's CentOS install
documentation and the 5 minute dev
All of the code has been checked out as the root user in its home directory in
Make sure you are the root user.
cd mailman
bin/mailman start
Make sure you are the root user.
NOTE: Please notice the runserver command is different than what's included in the documentation above.
cd postorius_standalone
python manage.py runserver
Open a browser and connect to http://localhost:8000/.
The admin user is root
and the password is vagrant
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