Command line tool for examining JSON Web Tokens.
Decodes JWT header and payload, and optionally validates the JWS signature.
The tool is a bash shell script, with the following dependencies
- jq (
- openssl (
- awk
- sed
Currently jwtx only supports public key based algorithms - i.e. ES*, RS* and PS*. The issuer JWK has to contain an x5c parameter with an X509 certificate. HMAC based signatures are not supported.
There is also limited error handling.
jwtx can be used to examine an encoded JWT either by reading from a local file, or by piping through stdin.
Command line options are as follows
-p|--properties filename (file with options)
-w|--well-known uri (OIDC wellknown URI)
-j|--jwks-uri uri (jwks_uri if --well-known not specified)
-s|--sigverify (perform signature verification - requires --well-known or --jwk options)
-d|--debug (debug output)
-f|--file filename (file containing JWT - if not supplied, JWT taken from stdin)
-v|--version (print jwtx version)
-h|--help (print this usage information)
The JWT is passed to jwkx either via stdin, or via the -f option.
jwtx displays a summary of the token contents, including
- JOSE header
- JOSE payload
When the --sigverify option is specified, jwtx also validates the JWT signature. The public key is retrieved from the issuer JWK: this JWK is retrieved either from the URI specified by the --jwks-uri option, or from the jwks_uri value discovered via the URI specified by the --well-known option.
- Decode a token with no signature verification
echo 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiJFRjcxaVNhb3NiQzVDNHRDNlN5cTFHbTY0N00iLCJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdF9oYXNoIjoibEVqbFlqWVgtYTF6djl1VktsODlWUSIsInN1YiI6ImphbmUuZG9lIiwiYXVkaXRUcmFja2luZ0lkIjoiY2IxNThlYjgtOGM4Zi00MGI1LWE0MGUtYTU0NjQyOTI1ZTJhLTI1MiIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYW0uYXV0aGRlbW8ub3JnL29hdXRoMi9yZWFsbXMvcm9vdC9yZWFsbXMvdGVzdCIsInRva2VuTmFtZSI6ImlkX3Rva2VuIiwiYXVkIjoidGVzdGNsaWVudCIsImF6cCI6InRlc3RjbGllbnQiLCJhdXRoX3RpbWUiOjE1OTgyODg4OTAsInJlYWxtIjoiL3Rlc3QiLCJleHAiOjE1OTgyODk0OTMsInRva2VuVHlwZSI6IkpXVFRva2VuIiwiaWF0IjoxNTk4Mjg4ODkzfQ.NNKNdsOD2h0Y1kz75Ljqluu3QWzgVZyqrOxmBnMI9I6nPAqhd4rkxo3HsQ_E1e_0dpa_jp-xB4-FXk0RLI2xqFp7fEehW9NdaMZm2nT75Id2O_IAoNhqV_iski6HlKSwB3qJ5MwjBS2R2EG_3Co3KDn2NuyIuqpu1RS6Ut1TnYH8P4-jse4AIIRr9kM-Id52-TU1NlKkSAcHvjqyoPhXt6L_6nA60ZtduXWVwkWCuvhH32myG5K8UEQxNU-lfO8L7VAWQPRPDPo1fDqlyMKeWQHlGA8TrgXRbdry1p0JvETFFXE_GlxkOO5MFeOB3HgwftW6Mhf-N9g3Wewx3HMhgQ' \
| ./jwtx
"typ": "JWT",
"kid": "EF71iSaosbC5C4tC6Syq1Gm647M",
"alg": "PS256"
"at_hash": "lEjlYjYX-a1zv9uVKl89VQ",
"sub": "jane.doe",
"auditTrackingId": "cb158eb8-8c8f-40b5-a40e-a54642925e2a-252",
"iss": "",
"tokenName": "id_token",
"aud": "testclient",
"azp": "testclient",
"auth_time": 1598288890,
"realm": "/test",
"exp": 1598289493,
"tokenType": "JWTToken",
"iat": 1598288893
- Decode a token and verify the signature. Use OpenID Connect Discovery to find the public key (pointing to sample well-known doc in this repo)
./jwtx -f samples/jwt/jwt.ps256 \
-s -w
"typ": "JWT",
"kid": "EF71iSaosbC5C4tC6Syq1Gm647M",
"alg": "PS256"
"at_hash": "kTF301ITWJ_Y_qyHkhCZlA",
"sub": "jane.doe",
"auditTrackingId": "653af365-7ea7-4337-8ff7-01f8b6ad2908-2066",
"iss": "",
"tokenName": "id_token",
"aud": "testclient",
"azp": "testclient",
"auth_time": 1598631333,
"realm": "/test",
"exp": 1598631933,
"tokenType": "JWTToken",
"iat": 1598631333
Verified OK