This is a ZSH plugin for the Lauterbach Trace32 toolset. It automatically registers fonts and sets all necessary environment variables to run the t32 toolset. It also adjusts your PATH according to your operating system.
Install the Lauterbach Trace32 tool. Default location (as per the documentation)
is /opt/t32/
. But you may install it anywhere you like.
Do not forget to run the following command during the installation:
$ sudo mkfontdir "$T32SYS/fonts"
If you use Antigen, add the following line to your plugins list:
antigen bundle chrissicool/zsh-t32
If you use Oh-My-Zsh,
add zsh-t32
to your plugins
list and clone this repository to your
$ ( cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins && git clone )
Set the environment variable T32SYS
in your .zshrc
to the base directory of
the Lauterbach Trace32 installation, before loading the plugin. If it is unset,
it defaults to /opt/t32/