A repository of all of my university coding assignments which I still have access to.
They are organized first by semester, then by class. These files are more or less in the state they were left in at the conclusion of each assignment. The only addition are files named FOR_EMPLOYERS.txt. These files are meant to be notes for employers to read to help clarify something about the given file or directory.
You will notice that my coding skills get progressively better during each semester. Classes I'm particularly proud of include Contemporary Programming (cs2001), Evolutionary Computing (cs5401), and Artificial Intelligence (cs5400). Many of my earlier assignments have been coded in C++, but more recent assignments adopt Python of ease of use. Contemporary Programming uses a variety of languages, since we learned to use 5 different languages in that class.
Another thing to note is classes which have only one or two assignments in them. These courses were primarily concept based, and the programming assignments were minimal proofs of concept, rather than fleshed out projects. An example would be Operating Systems (cs3800), which relied primarily on teaching rather than implimentation.
If you have any questions about what a given assignment was about, or otherwise, send me an email at [email protected], and I'll get back to you.
Thank you!