HyperStake Docker file to create docker images of hyperstake
To install docker on any linux computer run:
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
For windows, download the docker installer from docker.com and install it
depending on your linux hardware i have built a number of images
Raspberry Pi/ARM:
docker run --name hyperstake -v ~/.HyperStake:/root/.HyperStake -it -d -p 18775:18775 mcna/hyperstake:v1.1.4-raspbian
docker run --name hyperstake -v ~/.HyperStake:/root/.HyperStake -it -d -p 18775:18775 mcna/hyperstake:v1.1.4-armv7hf-debian
docker run --name hyperstake -v ~/.HyperStake:/root/.HyperStake -it -d -p 18775:18775 mcna/hyperstake:v1.1.4-aarch64-debian
docker run --name hyperstake -v ~/.HyperStake:/root/.HyperStake -it -d -p 18775:18775 mcna/hyperstake:v1.1.4-ubuntu
docker run --name hyperstake -v %AppData%\HyperStake:/root/.HyperStake -it -d -p 18775:18775 mcna/hyperstake:v1.1.4-ubuntu
go to "%AppData%\HyperStake" and create a file called "HyperStake.conf"
create a file called "~/.HyperStake/HyperStake.conf".
vi ~/.HyperStake/HyperStake.conf
write the text below into the "HyperStake.conf" file but change the user and password:
rpcuser=##Random user##
rpcpassword=##Random password##
start HyperStake with command:
docker start hyperstake
to interact with hyperstake you will need to use the "docker exec" command, here are some examples:
docker exec hyperstake hyperstaked getinfo
docker exec hyperstake hyperstaked getstakinginfo
docker stop hyperstake
docker start hyperstake
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