This is an object oriented feed forward neural network implementation completed during a codejam over the course of one weekend. The implementation focuses on ease of use and understanding over performance.
Repository includes full examples for solving XOR and training on the MNIST data set.
const trainingData = mnistLoad({
filename: "./data/mnist_train.csv",
limit: 500,
const testData = mnistLoad({ filename: "./data/mnist_test.csv", digits });
const network =
brain.layer.input({ size: 784 }),
brain.layer.dense({ size: 16, activation: "tanh" }),
brain.layer.dense({ size: 16, activation: "tanh" }),
brain.layer.output({ size: 10, activation: "tanh" })
console.log("epoch trainingCost testCost accuracy");
method: "onehot",
epochs: 40,
learningRate: 0.18,
callback(e, trainingCost, testCost, acc) {
console.log("%d %d %d %d", e + 1, trainingCost, testCost, acc);
"\nNetwork Accuracy: ",
network.test(testData, "onehot")[1].toFixed(2),
$ node examples/mnist.mjs
epoch trainingCost testCost accuracy
1 0.588971805597505 0.11104161655039267 44.479191724801545
2 0.35613753193557995 0.11859514072648077 40.70242963675727
3 0.31868214037833453 0.0844840028866944 57.75799855665144
32 0.12615911685087475 0.01934087082030325 90.32956458984845
33 0.12522053593531743 0.018715419773875527 90.6422901130623
34 0.12016637310448795 0.017464517681020083 91.26774115949001
35 0.1288248763582059 0.017079624729372255 91.46018763531393
36 0.1268032120154334 0.017464517681020083 91.26774115949001
37 0.12015077169336179 0.020543661294202712 89.72816935289872
38 0.12761372152138006 0.017223959586240192 91.38802020687996
39 0.12655215150710217 0.020447438056290755 89.7762809718547
40 0.12526850658654115 0.017079624729372255 91.46018763531393
Network Accuracy: 91.46 %
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