Adjective-adjective-animal from Clojure.
Credits for animal and adjective lists go to:
- Add this library as a dependency to your project.
- Require it in your name space.
- Generate:
(require '[ether/aaa :as aaa])
=> "contortioned-festive-arrowana"
(aaa/generate :sep "#")
=> "decasyllabic#chartreuse#bongo"
(generate :path [:adjective :animal :animal :adjective])
=> "exportable-indianspinyloach-mealworm-selfindulgent"
(generate :path [:adjective :animal :animal :adjective] :sep ".")
=> "copper.cats.pheasant.flowable"
Refer to the generate
docstring for more information and usage.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.