VoteFlow is a website/app built on django to try out a LiquidDemocracy-like system.
Currently in early stages - expect some uglyness and broken bits.
Previously known as "MeshDemocracy: Agora"
Live Demo: Click here - very pre-alpha!
###Topic Tree The topic tree is a central component - anyone can create a topic as a subtopic of any other topic - or top-level
###Posting Posting lets people place messages directly inside topics, or as a reply to an existing message
A user may pick a representitive for a topic - this also applies to sub-topics, and can chain.
So, Theo is representing 100 people in Science.
Theo and 9 other people also representing 100 people in science make Albert their representitive for Science->Physics.
Albert is now representing 1000 people in physics.
###Voting Any user may vote on any Posting/Message.
Correct Liquid CountingUse Agora as DevMap/Todo list for its-self- Sorting, by user selectable methods
partial Full Tree View - for topics and posts- images
- user profile page
partial representation graph- show representation for a topicvote graph - should representation for a vote- groups/circles
- AJAX/Dynamic Updates
partial - Template Styling/CSS
partial - search/filter
notificationsOAUTH FB/Goog/GitHub login- loads more
##Running MD: Agora ###Linux
pip install django
pip install markdown
pip install python-social-auth
pip install oauthlib
pip install pillow
pip install html2text
#Install Dependencies then
git clone #Clone the project
cd VoteFlow #enter project
python migrate #create DB
python runserver #Run Server
firefox #Try it out!
or in a virtualenv
git clone
cd VoteFlow/
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
#Install Dependencies HERE
python migrate
python runserver
###Other OS
add me
##Project Structure Project setup should be fairly standard for django. Important files are in agora/:
- - based on browser URL, directs you to a view
- - Pulls data from models, returns through a template
- - Database models
- templates/agora/* - HTML templates
- static/agora/* - CSS and other files
Agora is published under the GNU AGPL