This project is the training material for the service
repo broken
out into steps.
This project was designed against Go 1.12. It should work for 1.11 but 1.12 is recommended.
Supporting services like the database are hosted in Docker. If you cannot install Docker on your machine you can still follow most of this material by hosting a database elsewhere and modifying the connection information to your needs.
Clone this repository somewhere on your computer. The location does not
especially matter but if it is outside of your $GOPATH
then the Go modules
features will work automatically.
In a separate folder make a directory where you will be building your API. We recommend you initialize that folder as a Git repository to track your work.
mkdir ~/training
cd ~/training
git clone
mkdir garagesale
cd garagesale
git init .
You must also use go mod init
to set the import path for this project. Doing
this exactly as shown will allow you to copy and paste code without a need to
modify import paths.
go mod init
git add go.mod
git commit -m "Initial commit"
For the class we will be building up a REST API. You may use any HTTP client
you prefer to make requests but we recommend Postman.
For convenience you may use the import button in the top left to import the
included postman_environment.json
and postman_collection.json
files to get
a client up and running quickly. Be sure to select the "Garage Sale Service"
environment in the top right.
Reviewing the differences between the successive steps helps to reinforce the
ideas each change is about. This is made easier by running the following
command to define a git alias called dirdiff
git config --global alias.dirdiff 'diff -p --stat -w --no-index'
With that alias in place, run this command from the top level folder to see the
differences between the 01-startup
directory and the 02-shutdown
git dirdiff 01-startup 02-shutdown`
This section is only relevant to maintainers of this repository.
Many of the commands in this section rely on a shell feature that converts
expressions like **/*.go
to a list of all .go
files under the current
directory, recursively. Test this by running echo **/*.md
. If it shows a list
of all Markdown files then your shell supports it. If it shows the literal
string **/*.md
then the feature is not enabled. Add shopt -s globstar
your shell init file and try again.
Whenever a change is made to service
it needs to be backported to
this repository. Find the step folder where the affected features were
introduced, make the changes, then copy them forward through to the last step.
Before making changes I recommend using the md5c
tool to visualize the different steps of evolution a particular file has
through the project. For example run md5c **/web/web.go
to see where the
file is introduced and which steps modify it.
If you modify a file in an early step and multiple subsequent steps are
identical you can copy the file forward without manually applying the changes.
For example if you change web.go
in step 13 and want to apply the same
changes to steps 14 through 23 you can run this
for f in {14..23}*/**/web.go; do cp 13*/**/web.go $f; done
When applying changes between files that are not identical you must
manually copy only the relevant lines. This may involve merging two different
lines together if a newer step already changed the affected line. I recommend
using a diffing program. I use vimdiff
but you can use any diffing tool that
feels comfortable.
vimdiff {32..33}*/internal/user/user.go
After bringing changes all the way forward you should rerun the md5c
compare it with the original output. The output will be different but in most
cases the pattern of colors should be the same.
Be sure to regenerate the File Lists of the READMEs after every change. Reviewing these changes to the READMEs can help validate that you didn't miss a step.
If needed, you can insert a whole new step folder in the middle of these
materials. For example if you wanted to add a "ready check" section after
folder 22-health
you would need to bump the folder numbers for steps 23+ then
copy folder 22 to become the new 23.
There is a script to assist in this so for the example case I would do this:
for dir in {23..36}*; do ./scripts/ $dir; done
cp -a 22-health 23-readycheck
But really please don't insert folders in the middle. If it is reasonable just add a new section to the end by copying the newest folder.
cp -a 36-self-shutdown 37-new-thing
Use git dirdiff
against the service
repo periodically to look
for major changes. To reduce noise you can change all of the imports in this
project to match the other. Be sure to have a clean git status
before you do
the diff so you can quickly revert the changes.
sed -i "" -e "s/garagesale/service/" **/*.go
git dirdiff {service,.}/cmd
git checkout -- **/*.go