A curses-like library for C++.
Your terminal will need to implement at least the ANSI escape code for moving the caret for Blame to look readable, and the font used will need to support the block elements and box drawing unicode blocks.
The /demos/widgets
folder contains a demonstration of different widgets offered by Blame.
The Widget showcase demo as of commit fd6bd1d:
The /demos/dim
folder contains a Vim-like demonstration.
The Dim demo as of commit 4eb183f:
Coming soon - A shell.
Coming soon - A terminal emulator (inside a terminal emulator, potentially, inside a terminal emulator).
To build the library on Windows, you will need CMake 3.13 or higher and Cygwin 2.11.2 or higher (Cygwin is required as it is the only, to my knowledge, GNU tool distribution on Windows to support libraries such as termios
and ioctl