This package implements the Cipher-based Message Authentication Code as defined in the RFC4493 and NIST special publication 800-38B, "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication", May 2005.
It achieves a security goal similar to that of HMAC, but uses a symmetric key block cipher like AES. CMAC is appropriate for information systems in which a block cipher is more readily available than a hash function.
Like HMAC, CMAC uses a key to sign a message. The receiver verifies the Massage Authenticating Code by recomputing it using the same key.
go get
import (
// Instantiate the cmac hash.Hash.
cm, err := cmac.New(aes.NewCipher, key)
if err != nil {
// ...
// Compute the CMAC of a message. Never returns an error.
// The parameter may be an empty slice or nil.
// Write may be called multiple times.
cm.Write([]byte("some message"))
// Get the computed MAC. It may be followed by more Writes and sum calls.
mac1 := cm.Sum(nil)
// Important: use cmac.Equal() instead of bytes.Equal().
// It doesn't leak timing information.
if !cmac.Equal(mac1, mac2) {
// mac mismatch
// Use Reset to clear the state of the cmac calculator. You may then
// start processing a new message.