Some clojure examples that I tried to get started.
On ubuntu linux 12.10
- leiningen 2
- clojure 1.4
- SublimeText2
- lein repl
Day 1 - Setting up the environment (installing lein2, clojure 1.4 etc)
Day 2 -
- Hello world clojure
- Familiarizing with repl
- Basic data types in clojure (integer, double, boolean, ratio, strings, chars)
- Basic mathematical functions and operators (+, -, *, /, rem, quot, inc, dec, max, min etc)
- Basic logical operators (=, ==, not=, >, >=, <, <=)
- Finding your way around. Introduction to doc, find-doc, source functions.
Day 3 -
- Loading a file in repl using load-file
- Accessing special variables in repl (*1, *2, *3 etc and pst to print stack trace)
- Defining functions using defn, using anonymous functions
- TDD in clojure using Midje
- Data structure in clojure like list, set, map, sequences etc.
Day 4 -
- Some basic functions on data structures
- Higher order functions