- Python
- PostGres, MySql
- Pandas, jupyter
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Sklearn
- Math
Dataset | Description |
Dataset 1 (62.5 MB) | Misdemeanors for this and last year |
Dataset 2 (177 MB) | Misdemeanors for last five years |
Dataset 3 (92.9 MB) | Misdemeanors from last five to ten years |
Goal 1: Predict the probability of reoccurring misdemeanors using ML Goal 2: Find out and visualise different misdemeanors by cities (what are the most likely places to have serious accidents) Goal 3: Find out if speed limit change and speed cameras have affected the number of misdemeanours
The metadata can be sourced from data.europa.eu - The official portal for European data [1] https://www.europeandataportal.eu/data/datasets/https-opendata-riik-ee-andmehulgad-liiklusjarelevalve-alased-syyteod-?locale=et
For all of the ipynb files:
- Make sure you have the neccessary files downloaded: liiklusjarelevalve_1.csv, liiklusjarelevalve_2.csv, liiklusjarelevalve_3.csv
- Open the notebook and replace the file locations in the beginning of the code(if needed)
- You can use Google Colab as well to run those ipynb files
- Run all cells
- linnad.ipynb file is related to goal 1 which is about finding out the misdemeanours per person in Estonia in 2018
- speedcameras.ipynb is about goal 2 where we analysed the relation of speed cameras and misdemeanours