Android screen recording and streaming application
Record screen with custom settings and advanced media specifications
Controller head while recording
Time-countdown before start recording
Funny camera preview
Toggle/switch camera immediately
Draw decorators (logo, watermark…) onto video
Realtime streaming screen to RTMP sever
Resumable streaming supports
Camera preview
Test connection before streaming
Update streaming status onto app view
Realtime camera preview while recording or streaming
Toggle camera view (On/Off)
Switch camera (Back/Face)
Set camera size (Small/Medium/Big)
Choose camera position
Rename, delete videos
Extract video details
Auto update videos list
Detect and remove invalid videos
Synchronize local video to Google Drive Storage
Authentication with Google Account
Run in background service and auto-close when sync completed
Allow to choose specific videos to sync
Sync status for each videos
Step 1: get SRS
git clone && cd srs/trunk
Step 2: build SRS, Requires Centos6.x/Ubuntu 32/64bits.
./configure && make
Step 3: start SRS
./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
Step 1: get app source
git clone
Step 2: Build and run application
Step 3:
- Swipe to Livestream layout
- Enter the server ip
- Tap "Test" button
- Tap "Connect" button
- Enjoy!!!
Server: server side
App : client side