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Recombinant And Mixed-Infection Finder for SARS-CoV-2


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Python License: GPL v3 DOI PyPI version


Recombinant And Mixed-Infection Finder for SARS-CoV-2 sample. It takes input from aligned bam file (aligned to NC_045512) based on defined mutation list json file provided in the repo and output recombinant and parents reads in .bam and .tsv file with associated stats file.

Design Diagram



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Install by pip

pip install ramifi

Install from source

Clone the ramifi repository.

git clone

Then change directory to ramifi and install.

cd ramifi
pip install .

If the installation was succesful, you should be able to type ramifi -h and get a help message on how to use the tool.

ramifi -h


usage: [-h] [--refacc [STR]] [--minMixAF [FLOAT]] [--maxMixAF [FLOAT]] [--minMixed_n [INT]] [--minReadCount [INT]]
                 [--lineageMutation [FILE]] [--variantMutation [FILE]] [--mutations_af_plot] [--verbose] [--version] --bam [FILE]
                 [--vcf [File]] [--tsv [FILE]] [--outbam [File]] [-eo [PATH]] [--igv [PATH]] [--igv_variants]

Script to do recombinant read analysis

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --refacc [STR]        reference accession used in bam [default: NC_045512.2]
  --minMixAF [FLOAT]    minimum alleic frequency for checking mixed mutations on vcf [default:0.2]
  --maxMixAF [FLOAT]    maximum alleic frequency for checking mixed mutations on vcf [default:0.8]
  --minMixed_n [INT]    threshold of mixed mutations count for vcf.
  --minReadCount [INT]  threshold of read with variant count when no vcf provided.
  --lineageMutation [FILE]
                        lineage mutation json file [default: variant_mutation.json]
  --variantMutation [FILE]
                        variant mutation json file [default: lineage_mutation.json]
  --mutations_af_plot   generate mutations_af_plot (when --vcf provided)
  --verbose             Show more infomration in log
  --version             show program's version number and exit

  --bam [FILE]          <Required> bam file
  --vcf [File]          <Optional> vcf file which will infer the two parents of recombinant_variants

  --tsv [FILE]          output file name [default: recombinant_reads.tsv]
  --outbam [File]       output recombinant reads in bam file [default: recombinant_reads.bam]

EDGE COVID-19 Options:
  options specific used for EDGE COVID-19

  -eo [PATH], --ec19_projdir [PATH]
                        ec-19 project directory
  --igv [PATH]          igv.html relative path
  --igv_variants        add variants igv track


cd tests


-- recombinant_reads.stats: counts

total mapped unmapped mutation_reads parents recomb1_reads recomb2_reads recombx_reads parent1_reads parent2_reads recomb1_perc recomb2_perc recombx_perc
64355 64355 0 5203 Omicron,Delta 162 175 18 489 730 10.29 11.11 1.14

-- recombinant_reads.tsv

read_name start end mutaions_json note
HMVN7DRXY:2:2153:21802:16078 21566 21859 {21618: ['Delta'], 21846: ['Iota', 'Mu', 'Omicron']} recombinant 2
HMVN7DRXY:2:2166:28574:36229 21732 21883 {21762: ['Eta', 'Omicron'], 21846: ['Iota', 'Mu', 'Omicron']} parent Omicron
HMVN7DRXY:2:2215:29749:15217 22867 22994 {22917: ['Delta', 'Epsilon', 'Kappa'], 22992: ['rev of Omicron']} parent Delta
HMVN7DRXY:2:2105:30572:25160 22865 23023 {22917: ['rev of Delta Epsilon Kappa'], 22992: ['rev of Omicron'], 22995: ['Delta', 'Omicron'], 23013: ['rev of Omicron']} recombinant 1
HMVN7DRXY:2:2127:18304:18850 24058 24518 {24130: ['Omicron'], 24469: ['rev of Omicron'], 24503: ['Omicron']} recombinant x
etc ...

-- recombinant_reads_by_cross_region.tsv

Cross_region Reads
11201-11283 {"recomb1": ["HMVN7DRXY:2:2150:13015:23750", "HMVN7DRXY:2:2124:23746:28776", "HMVN7DRXY:2:2232:6216:33395"], "recomb2": ["HMVN7DRXY:2:2122:27624:23062"]}
11283-11537 {"recomb2": ["HMVN7DRXY:2:2126:12825:30154", "HMVN7DRXY:2:2126:15302:29121"]}
21618-21846 {"recomb2": ["HMVN7DRXY:2:2153:21802:16078", "HMVN7DRXY:2:2105:22996:5682"]}
etc ...

-- recombinant_reads.parent1.bam

-- recombinant_reads.parent1.bam.bai

-- recombinant_reads.parent2.bam

-- recombinant_reads.parent2.bam.bai

-- recombinant_reads.recomb1.bam

-- recombinant_reads.recomb1.bam.bai

-- recombinant_reads.recomb2.bam

-- recombinant_reads.recomb2.bam.bai

-- recombinant_reads.recombx.bam

-- recombinant_reads.recombx.bam.bai

-- recombinant_reads.mutations_af_plot.html

-- recombinant_reads.mutations_af_plot_genomeview.html

Data visualization

The recombinant_reads.bam, ramifi/data/variants_mutation.gff and ramifi/data/NC_045512.fasta can be loaded into IGV.

Example: IGV Link:

Screen Shot 2022-06-13 at 9 51 08 PM

Custom mutation list

User can custom mustaion list formated as same defined mutation list json file provided in the repo to check other variant/lineage co-infection/recombinant. When run ramifi, the custom mutation list will be taken in by the option flag --variantMutation.

For example:

    "Alpha": {
        "A:23063:T": "S:N501Y",
        "A:23403:G": "S:D614G",
        "del:21991:3": "S:Y144*"
    "Beta": {
        "A:10323:G": "ORF1a:K3353R",
        "A:21801:C": "S:D80A",
        "A:22206:G": "S:D215G",
        "A:23063:T": "S:N501Y"
    "BA.2": {

NCBI TRACE Lineage Definitions Weekly Update Site:

Remove package:

pip uninstall ramifi


This work is currently unpublished. If you are making use of this package, we would appreciate if you gave credit to our repository.


RAMIFI is distributed as open-source software under GPLv3 LICENSE and the license file included in the RAMIFI distribution.

LANL open source approval reference C22090.

© 2023. Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved. This program was produced under U.S. Government contract 89233218CNA000001 for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Triad National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. All rights in the program are reserved by Triad National Security, LLC, and the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable worldwide license in this material to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.


Recombinant And Mixed-Infection Finder for SARS-CoV-2







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