The goal of this project is to rewrite a Facebook ads api process and append batch loader function
We found the facebook ads api is not easy to use, so this project is going to make it more easy to upload AD data into the facebook. we hope eveyone can do more easier when manage facebook ad data is required. please contact with me if you has opinion for this.
Basically these program is absolute free for use, you can even modify and customize to be your process as you want, but don't hate to send comments for me.
Please try in mind, it is no any warranty for this program. if you have issue for warranty, please ignore this.
Developer Andy Chiang
Thanks a lot.
- input account information in adapi/account.php
- make a new append data in ad_dat.txt and audience_dat.txt
- type cd adapi
- type php append audience.php audience_dat.txt, it will upload audinece_data into facebook ad repository
- type php append_adgroup.php ad_dat.txt, it will upload ad_dat.txt data into facebook ad repository
- since we have not finished yet about adset and adgroup, this function is only for develop version. We will try to release it as soon as possible.