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@chharvey chharvey released this 08 Oct 07:12
· 329 commits to master since this release

Major Changes

These are breaking changes; your code will break if you do not update it and want to use these features.

File removals/renamings

  • the minified file xmeter.min.css is no longer available. Use xmeter.css instead: it is already minified and has a sourcemap.
  • moves xmeter.less into src/xmeter.less
  • deletes OBSOLETE __tool.clearfix.less. use .h-Clearfix helper instead of .clearfix() mixin.
  • deletes OBSOLETE _-mb.less and _-pt.less atom classes (deprecated in v5.7)
  • removes deprecated /docs/includes/, /docs/_includes/, and /docs/_includes/_base.jade. if your project references either of these files, change it to /docs/_includes/_base.pug. sorry for all the renaming.
  • uses directory /src/ and REMOVES /styles/. remember to update your project code if @importing these files
  • removes all fallback mixins! Do not reference any file starting with __fallback anymore! Use Autoprefixer in your own project instead.
  • deletes OBSOLETE __tool.vertspacing.less in favor of CSS custom properties ("native variables"), and corresponding mixin .vertspacing()

Code renamings/repurposes

  • removes OBSOLETE .transition-multi() mixin. use CSS transition property instead (with Autoprefixer if you wish)
  • removes OBSOLETE negative breakpoint classes suffixed with -ns* (e.g., -nsK). Instead, use -n* (e.g. -nK). see #11 (deprecated in v5.7)
  • REPURPOSED! Grid Object, now using CSS Grid! (note: appearance has not changed, but support may have changed. if you use .o-Grid in your code, in conjunction with flexbox properties, you will need to revisit.)
  • renames variables in /src/__settings.less. uses hyphens instead of underscores

Other Drops

  • drops pixel fallback for rem units (rems are not supported on IE8- and IE9 and IE10 on the font shorthand property and on pseudo-elements/classes)
  • fix .font-size-el() params: removes 3rd parameter. Now only takes two params: .font-size-el(@ratio: 1; @lines: 1)
  • drops fallbacks for CSS custom properties ("native variables")
  • drops global Less variables @g-line-height and @g-vru, in favor of CSS custom properties. watch out if you use these! switch to var(--line-height) and var(--vru) respectively.
  • drops @media queries screen and print for all Objects, Components, and Atoms. The following queries are available:
    @media screen  and (min-width: 30em) {} // suffix -sK
    @media screen  and (min-width: 45em) {} // suffix -sM
    @media screen  and (min-width: 60em) {} // suffix -sG
    @media screen  and (min-width: 75em) {} // suffix -sT
    @media screen  and (min-width: 90em) {} // suffix -sP
    @media not all and (min-width: 30em) {} // suffix -nK
    @media not all and (min-width: 45em) {} // suffix -nM
    @media not all and (min-width: 60em) {} // suffix -nG
    @media not all and (min-width: 75em) {} // suffix -nT
    @media not all and (min-width: 90em) {} // suffix -nP

Minor Changes

These are non-breaking changes; your code does not need to be updated if you want to use these features.

  • All-new documentation & style guide generated by KSS. Not yet published, but meanwhile you can build them yourself:
    $ cd node_modules/xmeter/
    $ npm install
    $ npm run kss
    then check out file://path/to/xmeter/styleguide/!


  • fixes borders on fieldset elements
  • remove styles in reset.css that are overridden by _base.less
  • add fallbacks for unset in reset.css
  • update ins & del, colors (GitHub opinionated)