Traffic Signs Recognition with Tensorflow and a convolutional network
1.This is my attempt to tackle traffic signs classification problem with a convolutional neural network implemented in TensorFlow.
2.The highlights of this solution would be data preprocessing, data augmentation, and skipping connections in the network.
3.The accuracy on the German Traffic Sign Dataset is reaching 98.97% accuracy at present, and this can still be improved
Data processing and augmentation:
1.I resized all images to 48 * 48 * 3, and scaled of pixel values to [0, 1] (as currently they are in [0, 255] range). Then, I will only use a single channel in my model, e.g. grayscale images instead of color ones.
2.Data augmentaion consists of flipping image, resizing and rotationing image, and so on.
3.More details can be found at
CNN Network:
input(48 * 48)
conv1(5 * 5) -> relu -> max_pooling1(2 * 2)
conv2(5 * 5) -> relu -> max_pooling2(2 * 2)
conv3(5 * 5) -> relu -> max_pooling3(2 * 2)
flatten max_pooling1 + max_pooling2 + max_pooling3
fully connected layer1 (1024)
fully connected layer2 (43)
python file define the network : data helper code , data processing data augmentation code train the network predict the test images and predict one image code
Python 3.5 or 2.7
Tensorflow 1.2(>1.0)
注: 欢迎指正讨论.