Protect your chests. Type command and open chest. Type the same command again to stop selecting.
/cset - Lock the chest and sets you as owner - only you can open or destroy it ( You can use subcommand "public" to set you as owner, but everyone can open it. )
/cunset - Removes protection of chest
/crset - Sets region share on chest - everyone who can build in region can open chest, they can't destroy it
/cpset - Sets chest public - everyone can open it, but they can't destroy it
/clock password - Sets password on chest - you can use /clock remove to disable password
/ccset - Stops selecting of chest
/cunlock password - Unlocks and open chest
/crefill - Sets chest to refill - /crefill remove to disable refill
Everyone can use /cunlock command.
protectchest - standard permission for players - can protect its own chests
openallchests - permission for admins - can open even protected chests, can't destroy them
removechestprotection - permission for admins - can remove chests protections
showchestinfo - permission for admins - gets info about opened chest
refillchest - permission for admins - can set chests to refill
- timed access - give player permission to open chest based on time and/or number of accesses
- integration with TShock user system
- use another format than txt files - use TShock DB?