Real-Time Network-on-chip Analysis and Simulation
The config.yml file that is located in input package allows to configure the NoC architecture and simulation parameters
dimension: 3 # NoC dimension (n*n)
numberOfVC: 1 # number of VC per Input port
VCBufferSize: 10 # VC buffer's size
quantum: 1 # Arbiter's Quantum RoundRobin
period: 40 # period of simulation
Also located in input package, it contains the scenario of routers communications
"src": {"x": 0, "y": 0},
"dest": {"x": 0, "y": 1},
"message": 128,
"period": 30
"src": {"x": 1, "y": 1},
"dest": {"x": 1, "y": 2},
"message": 64,
"period": 15
To execute the program, you must have maven installed in your machine
$ sudo apt-get install maven
And at the end, go to the root path of the project :
$ mvn clean compile exec:java
- Houssam Eddine ZAHAF - CRIStAL - Université de Lille
- Chawki BENCHEHIDA - LAPECI Lab - Université d'Oran 1
- Mohammed Kamel BENHAOUA - LAPECI Lab - Université d'Oran 1