A simple, powerful—and at times magical—package for detecting terminal color profiles and performing color (and CSI) degradation.
Detecting the terminal’s color profile is easy.
import "github.com/charmbracelet/colorprofile"
// Detect the color profile. If you’re planning on writing to stderr you'd want
// to use os.Stderr instead.
p := colorprofile.Detect(os.Stdout, os.Environ())
// Comment on the profile.
fmt.Printf("You know, your colors are quite %s.", func() string {
switch p {
case colorprofile.TrueColor:
return "fancy"
case colorprofile.ANSI256:
return "1990s fancy"
case colorprofile.ANSI:
return "normcore"
case colorprofile.Ascii:
return "ancient"
case colorprofile.NoTTY:
return "naughty!"
return "...IDK" // this should never happen
When necessary, colors can be downsampled to a given profile, or manually downsampled to a specific profile.
p := colorprofile.Detect(os.Stdout, os.Environ())
c := color.RGBA{0x6b, 0x50, 0xff, 0xff} // #6b50ff
// Downsample to the detected profile, when necessary.
convertedColor := p.Convert(c)
// Or manually convert to a given profile.
ansi256Color := colorprofile.ANSI256.Convert(c)
ansiColor := colorprofile.ANSI.Convert(c)
noColor := colorprofile.Ascii.Convert(c)
noANSI := colorprofile.NoTTY.Convert(c)
You can also magically downsample colors in ANSI output, when necessary. If output is not a TTY ANSI will be dropped entirely.
myFancyANSI := "\x1b[38;2;107;80;255mCute \x1b[1;3mpuppy!!\x1b[m"
// Automatically downsample for the terminal at stdout.
w := colorprofile.NewWriter(os.Stdout, os.Environ())
fmt.Fprintf(w, myFancyANSI)
// Downsample to 4-bit ANSI.
w.Profile = colorprofile.ANSI
fmt.Fprintf(w, myFancyANSI)
// Ascii-fy, no colors.
w.Profile = colorprofile.Ascii
fmt.Fprintf(w, myFancyANSI)
// Strip ANSI altogether.
w.Profile = colorprofile.NoTTY
fmt.Fprintf(w, myFancyANSI) // not as fancy
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