This is the back-end for my NC News News Aggregator project. It has been created using express, and hosted on Heroku. Developed using TDD, with help from Chai and Supertest.
- Clone and download from github.
- Navigate into folder, and use
npm install
to install all relevant dependencies. - use
npm test
to run the test suite. - the api can be accessed locally using the command
npm run dev
which will create a local environment using development data. - User can navigate to the following endpoints, with the specified methods:
/api/topics/:topic/articles:-> get, post
/api/articles -> get
/api/articles/:article_id -> get, patch, delete
/api/articles/:article_id/comments -> get, post
/api/articles/:article_id/comments/:comment_id -> patch, delete,
/api/users -> get
/api/users/:username -> get
body-parser 1.18.3
chai 4.2.0
cors 2.8.5
express 4.16.4
heroku 7.19.3
knex 0.15.2
moment 2.22.2
pg 7.6.1
supertest 3.3.0