12.1.0 (2023-05-30)
- add tier-3 tokens to DataBar and ProgressBar (#1628) (ca9da5b)
- apply advanced popover handling to select components (#1613) (b74b046)
- deprecate color highlight tokens (#1636) (8975315)
- Typography: add light weight type ramp entries (#1634) (1bb2b67)
Bug Fixes
- align token name with design (#1630) (cfd928a)
- Avatar: adjust the tier 2 token used in size 'sm' (#1627) (6d174d0)
- build: build type declarations separately (#1633) (4db2d74)
- drawer: handle clickoutside on slower active boolean (#1621) (c61508b)
- link deprecated border token to new token value (#1631) (e198667)
- use token name from design (#1629) (01b2ea8)