基本思路参考CTMediator. 结合实际项目开发, 在其基础上进行了功能完善.
1. 类方法
2. 对象方法
3. 单例
同时支持两种参数传递形式, 若同时使用两种方式, 则会进行参数合并.
- URL Query方式用于传递NSString类型参数
- NSDictionary支持非常规参数, 如图片,自定义对象等
[MGXRouter openURL:@"Router://MGXTest/testClassMethod" params:nil];
[MGXRouter openURL:@"Router://MGXTest/testClassMethod"
[MGXRouter openURL:@"Router://MGXTest/testObjectMethod" params:nil];
[MGXRouter openURL:@"Router://MGXTest/testObjectMethod?name=jobs&age=14" params:nil];
[MGXRouter openURL:@"Router://MGXTest/sharedInstance/testObjectMethod?age=13" params:@{}];
[MGXRouter openURL:@"Router://MGXTest/sharedInstance/testObjectMethod" params:nil];
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
MGXRouter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'MGXRouter'
mangox: www.devzhang.cn
MGXRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.