swd 0.1.1
(This software has not been extensively tested, use at your own risk. Require steamcmd under PATH)
You would need SteamCMD to use this software,
and remember to include it under the PATH environment variable. A command-line utility to download workshop item and
collections from steam workshop. This software assembles a command for SteamCMD to execute. By default, this command is
only printed to standard output, you need to use the -e
flag to automatically execute the command. The default
download directory is /path/to/steamcmd/steamapps/workshop/content/. You can set an alternative location with -o
swd [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [files]...
-e, --exec
Execute the produced command through steamcmd, otherwise the command is only printed to standard output and
need to be executed manually
-h, --help
Prints help information
-r, --review
Review each mod one by one. Input yes/no/skip for each mod or collection. The option 'skip', otherwise
equivalent to 'no', can be used to skip rest of the mods in the context of a collection
-V, --version
Prints version information
Save the mod orders of collections to specified format to the current working directory [possible values:
simple, csv]
-o, --output <path>
Set the path of the download location. The path will be passed to force_install_dir in SteamCMD
-u, --username <username>
Steam username for non-anonymous download [default: anonymous]
File IDs of the mods and collections to download, can be found at the end of the url for each workshop item