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Go Reference Test

Go Chalk

The official Chalk client library.



  • Go 1.19 or later


Make sure your project is using Go Modules (it will have a go.mod file in its root if it already is):

go mod init

Then, reference chalk-go in a Go program with import:

import (

Run any of the normal go commands (build/install/test). The Go toolchain will resolve and fetch the chalk-go module automatically.

Alternatively, you can also explicitly go get the package into a project:

go get -u


Chalk generates Go structs from your python feature definitions, which makes it easy to use your features from Go.

Run the code-gen command inside your chalk project to generate a file containing your generated structs, then copy that file into your go project.

chalk codegen go --out=<OUTPUT_FILEPATH> 

Connect to chalk

Create a client using the NewClient method. The returned client gets its configuration:

  1. From overrides configured by passing in a *chalk.ClientConfig
  2. From environment variables if no arguments are passed
  3. From a ~/.chalk.yml file if neither 1 nor 2 are available

(2) and (3) are applicable only for these options.

Without overrides

import (

client := chalk.NewClient()

With overrides

client, err := chalk.NewClient(&chalk.ClientConfig{
    ClientId:      "id-89140a6614886982a6782106759e30",
    ClientSecret:  "sec-b1ba98e658d7ada4ff4c7464fb0fcee65fe2cbd86b3dd34141e16f6314267b7b",
    ApiServer:     "",
    EnvironmentId: "qa",
    Branch:        "jorges-december",

gRPC Client

To use gRPC as the underlying protocol for communication with Chalk, set the UseGrpc field in ClientConfig to true.

client, err := chalk.NewClient(&chalk.ClientConfig{
    UseGrpc: true,

You can then make requests just like you would without UseGrpc specified.

Online Query

Query online features using the generated feature structs. Access the results in the returned object or by passing the address of a variable with the correct type.

user := User{}
_, err = client.OnlineQuery(
        WithInput(Features.User.Id, "u273489057").
		WithInput(Features.User.Transactions, []Transaction{
            {Id: utils.ToPtr("sd8f76"), Amount: utils.ToPtr(13.23)},
            {Id: utils.ToPtr("jk546d"), SeriesId: utils.ToPtr(48.95)},
        WithOutputs(Features.User.Id, Features.User.LastName),

Offline Query

When executing an offline query, a dataset is returned and can be downloaded as parquet files using the DownloadData method.

res, _ := client.OfflineQuery(
        WithInput(Features.User.Id, []any{...}).

err = res.Revisions[0].DownloadData(<FILE_DIRECTORY>)

Upload Features

Chalk allows you to synchronously persist features directly to your online and offline stores.

res, err := client.UploadFeatures(
        Inputs: map[any]any{
            Features.User.Id: []string{"user-1", "user-2"},
            "user.last_name": []string{"Borges", "Paris"},

Update Aggregates

Note: This method is available only when using the gRPC client. See gRPC Client for more information.

You can easily update your windowed aggregation feature values with UpdateAggregates. For example, with this feature definition:

class User:
    id: str
    txns: "DataFrame[Transaction]"
    txn_amount_total: Windowed[int] = windowed(
            "bucket_duration": "1d",

class Transaction:
    id: Primary[str]
    amount: float
    user_id: str

Then to update the txn_amount_total feature, you would upload features corresponding to that aggregation:

res, err := client.UpdateAggregates(
        Inputs: map[any]any{
            "": []string{"txn-1", "txn-2"},
            "transaction.user_id": []string{"user-1", "user-2"},
            "transaction.amount": []float64{100.0, 200.0},
            "transaction.__chalk_observed_at__": []time.Time{time.Now(), time.Now()},

Note that if you have an explicit FeatureTime feature specified, you could provide that in place of the __chalk_observed_at__ column.

Querying against a branch

To query against a branch, create a ChalkClient with a Branch specified, and then make queries using that client.

client, err := chalk.NewClient(&chalk.ClientConfig{
    Branch:        "jorges-december",

Configuring Logging

By default, Chalk logs error messages only (which are sent to stderr). Configure default logging using the global DefaultLeveledLogger variable:

chalk.DefaultLeveledLogger = &chalk.StdOutLeveledLogger{
    Level: chalk.LevelInfo,

It's possible to use non-Chalk leveled loggers as well. Chalk expects loggers to comply to the following interface:

type LeveledLogger interface {
    Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
    Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
    Infof(format string, v ...interface{})
    Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})

Some loggers like Logrus and Zap's SugaredLogger support this interface natively, so it's possible to set DefaultLeveledLogger to a *logrus.Logger or *zap.SugaredLogger directly. To use other loggers, you may need a shim layer.


We'd love to accept your patches! If you submit a pull request, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

  1. Fork the repo, develop and test your code changes.
  2. Ensure your code adheres to the existing style.
  3. Ensure that your code has an appropriate set of tests that pass.
  4. Submit a pull request.


Clone the git repo from

  1. All patches must be go fmt compatible.
  2. All types, structs, and functions should be documented.


To execute the tests: go test ./.... Enure all tests pass


Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.