Collection of microbenchmarks for Chainer. Originally developed by Takuya Akiba and maintained by developers.
- comm_bench1: Microbenchmark to test Chainer's communicators'
performance stats, with ResNet gradients - comm_bench2: Microbenchmark to test Chainer's communicators'
performance in timeseries plot, with ResNet gradients - comm_bench3: Microbenchmark to test raw latency of
of MPI and NCCL
Requires Python >= 3.5 and MPI which is supported by Chainer.
$ git clone git://
$ cd comm_bench
$ pip install --user .
Usage example
$ mpirun --np 8 -- comm_bench1 --communicator_names pure_nccl,hierarchial
$ mpirun --np 16 -hostfile hosts.txt -- comm_bench2 --interval 0.2
MIT License, (C) 2019 Preferred Networks, Inc.