iTodo is a GTD tool for managing todo list in Sublime Text editor. This plugin contains a few text commands and syntax definition for ".todo" files.
To install this plugin, you have two options:
- Clone source code to Sublime Text 2 app folder, eg. ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/iTodo.
- If you have Package Control installed, simply search for iTodo to install.
"⌘ + i": new task
"⌘ + d": toggle task completed
Suppose we have a following todo file:
Project A:
- call mum tomorrow at 8 am.
Highlight this item line and press "⌘ + d", it marks a tag "@done" and also appends timestamp.
Project A:
+ call mum tomorrow at 8 am. @done (2012-01-08 18:12)
Thanks Taskmate for TextMate (