It's a podcast akin to grabbing coffee with Creative AI researchers. The target audience is people with technical competency.
The focus will be on the Creative AI space.
It's recommended to view on YouTube at 1.5x speed.
- Weakly Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D Reconstruction E13
- Training Object Class Detectors with Click Supervision E12
- Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks E11
- A Singing Synthesizer Based on PixelCNN E10
- Generating a 3D Human Pose & Shape from a Single Image E9
- Generating Music with AI (ALYSIA) E8
- Neurally-Guided Procedural Models E7
- Generating faces with deconvolution networks E6
- BachBot: An AI that makes music like Bach E5
- Generative Fine Art E4
- Modifying Faces with Invertible cGANs E3
- AI Temporal Common Sense E2
- AI Generated Logos E1
Alternatively, Listen on iTunes or Listen on Hipcast.
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Our mission is to bring an open & collaborative AI to all of humanity.
Obsessed with consuming the latest Creative AI research, we found ourselves stuck between two types output from the nascent industry: PhD level research or BuzzFeed level simplification. This is our attempt to deliver a hybrid solution that is consumable by people that can comprehend & some day contribute to.
Interested in contributing? Tweet me @ChadWittman or create an issue here.