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An AngularJS-based implementation of Elgg's UI


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A secure, offline-capable, mobile-first web client for Elgg built with AngularJS.



npm install -g volo grunt-cli
git clone
cd ng-elgg
npm install
volo update

Note also ewinslow#1

This will set you up with a local version of the UI.

Browser Support

Latest 2 versions of modern browsers.

Initial development is only happening on Chrome (desktop and mobile). This is to give me freedom to experiment with the cutting edge of web tech. As ng-elgg stabilizes and people start using it more seriously, more effort will go into cross-browser support.

Modern browsers auto-update, so the long term plan is to only support the latest browser versions, including for mobile browsers.

Any cross-browser support efforts should be largely transparent to this project and the developers utilizing this project. We want to avoid any kind of feature detection or UA detection in the project code itself. It's best if that code goes into elgg-grunt so that it is just an invisible part of the build process.

Why ng-elgg?

No more XSS

tl;dr: We accomplish this via a strict Content-Security-Policy and Angular's automatically contextually escaped templates.

ng-elgg is based on AngularJS. Angular templates sport what is called "automatic contextual escaping" which means that all the right escaping rules are applied automatically to template variables on output, without developers needing to remember to be diligent about escaping user input in the right way and in the right order every time. This is notoriously difficult to do and basically impossible to do perfectly on a sufficiently large codebase, so automatic escaping works wonders.

For times when you do want to display user-generated HTML, Angular provides a client-side HTML filter that is very effective at beating XSS attacks.

Finally, ng-elgg ships with the strictest possible Content-Security-Policy turned on by default. For modern browsers with support for CSP, this makes XSS next to impossible, since even if Angular's filters were somehow beaten, the browser would simply ignore the resulting inline or untrusted, external scripts.

I am confident that these technologies put XSS attacks behind us for good, yet very few frameworks that I'm familiar with have taken a hard stance on this, most likely because doing so would break existing app functionality. ng-elgg comes with no baggage of legacy, so we're free to do this correctly from the start.


The best way to get insight into your users' experience using your app is to measure everything.

ng-elgg comes out-of-the-box integrated with Google Analytics. But we go way beyond just tracking pageviews:

  • Abandonment rates for every form (TODO)
  • Which parts of the UI are users interacting with (TODO)
  • How long is the transition from page to page (Done!)
  • All the exceptions you're getting and how many (TODO)
  • A/B experiments framework built in (TODO)

Each of these can give you really good insights into where your app needs improvement and will help you focus on the low-hanging fruit first.

Looking forward to Elgg 2.0

Evan's advice on how we can make Elgg a 10x better development and end-user experience than Elgg 1.x and any of our existing competitors else currently out there.

The experience for developers and end-users will be so compelling that we wonder how we ever lived with the current state of affairs.


  • Develop apps, not sites
  • Code for the future
  • Take advantage of modern tools
  • Embrace dependencies

Backwards compatibility of the UI is an explicit non-goal. These are dramatic changes I'm proposing, but I don't think they are unreasonable. They are guided by the following, very pragmatic, values:

  • Performance
  • Security
  • Productivity

I want 2.0 to move Elgg forward leaps and bounds compared to the current state of affairs and compared to other, similar projects (BuddyPress, Drupal Commons, JomSocial, Boonex, SocialEngine, PHPFox, Idno, etc.). We have a responsibility to bring something valuable to the table I think that's only possible if we make radical, but reasonable, changes that do not carry the baggage of legacy with us.

Let me expound on each bit of advice one at a time. Then I'll go over why I think embracing this advice lends itself to the values outlined above.

Develop apps, not sites

I want Elgg 2.0 to completely split frontend and backend development. Anything that requires PHP logic (sending emails, DBAL, etc.) should be in a separate git repo from the UI code. Frontend logic (JS), templates (HTML), and theme (CSS) should be completely static and not mingled with PHP at all. This allows them to ship straight from a webserver that's great at managing static files.

In other words, the Elgg 2.0 UI should be hostable on GitHub pages.

To do this we need a paradigm shift in our thinking away from the traditional model of shipping HTML documents to the user and toward a model of delivering applications. These applications then request data from an API and render a UI to the user.

Code for the future

We should write code against the latest web standards and rely on tools and polyfills to plug in the gaps for old-browser compatibility. A prime example of this is writing css prefixes manually. We should never do that again. Instead, we should just write against a stable standard and rely on tooling to add whatever prefixes are necessary to support older browsers.

Working around browser compatibility issues should be considered out-of-scope for the project. Any polyfills that we need to develop that don't yet exist should be contributed to an existing project external project for whom these issues are in scope.

Take advantage of modern tools

We need to stop reinventing wheels and pawn off development effort to more focused and well-funded communities.

Here is a list of tools that we are not using that could easily make us more productive and help keep us on the cutting edge:

  • r.js -- The optimizer for RequireJS
  • grunt.js -- A JS-based build tool with a large community + many plugins
  • bower -- A package manager for front end components
  • composer -- The defacto PHP package manager

Embrace dependencies

As long as we choose dependencies wisely and can remain in control of our API, this can only result in a more modern framework that is easier to keep up to date (because there's less code for us to maintain!):

  • PHP
    • Symfony
    • Zend
    • etc...
  • JS
    • AngularJS
    • momentjs
    • underscore
    • etc...
  • CSS
    • Bootstrap
    • Foundation
    • etc...


The performance of a system is second in importance only to correctness. I'll focus mainly on frontend performance here because (IMHO) that's where most of the gains can be had for the least investment.

Startup latency

Client-rendered UI with aggressive caching (AppCache) must become the new normal in order for us to keep up with user expectations. I'm shooting for a 10x improvement in startup time. That means going from 3 seconds to 300ms. This can't happen with our current model of full-page-refresh per action as the standard.

Forcing all web client content to be static (i.e. not generated on the fly by PHP templates) opens up the possibility of using AppCache to build an offline experience on par with native mobile apps. Using AppCache in Elgg is impossible now because we are delivering our HTML pages differently depending on who is logged in/etc. Pushing the logic and templates to the client would allow us eagerly ship all of this logic to the client and cache it there instead of making the server do all that work.

There is a 0-latency startup time for web apps that have been AppCached. Like, zero! This cannot be acheived with just HTTP caching because the index.html file still needs to be fetched on refresh. Consider the implications of this for apps which try to render quickly on first load by inlining their css/JS content. Without AppCache, that content is uncacheable. With AppCache, it's still cacheable even after a page refresh. Normally in SPA's you can get a lot out of inlining content on the first page load because there is no full page refresh after that (for the duration of the session), so you don't have to pay that download tax for every navigation. However, if the user ever does a full page refresh, you have to pay the download tax again because that inlined content is not cached. With AppCache this isn't so. Even inlined content is cached because all master files are served from cache and only update in the background (think Chrome-style silent updates).

In the good old days, teams like Gmail came up with crazy hacks to download scripts in comments or strings and then eval them only once necessary. This is a really cool hack to shave a lot of parse time off the initial app load, but it adds an insane amount of complexity both to your frontend code and requires server cooperation. Instead, we can use AppCache to download javascript eagerly without executing it. And with AMD managing dependencies, we can be sure that only the minimum amount of javascript actually needed will be parsed and evaluated. We actually have real browser support for this hack and nobody has realized it because Jake Archibald destroyed AppCache's reputation with his 2012 "A List Apart" article on the subject. This is a travesty, and I think we should fix it (or at least rely on a framework that fixes it -- this goes back to the "embracing dependencies" comment I made before).

Backend performance

Moving all rendering to the UI means we can ditch Elgg's views system. It has served us well for a long time but its time has come. Elgg views are often slow, hard to cache, insecure, and don't do a good job of separating concerns.

It has also been suggested that starting up PHP just to serve static content hampers performance significantly after a certain load. See the discussion at:

Finally, pushing all UI logic to the client gets you free CPU cycles. The user's machine is the one doing the work to render the UI instead of the server doing that. It's faster for them and cheaper for you. Everybody wins, what's not to love?


Currently it is possible to do the right thing with Elgg concerning security. We need to move past that and make it really hard to do the wrong thing.

Lots of people have asked for CDN support in the past wherein static content could be served from a different domain for performance. I propose going the opposite direction: keep the static content on your vanity domain ( and move the API server to a different domain ( This has some nice security benefits.

OAuth, OpenId, BrowserID (Authentication)

We can eliminate entire classes of authentication vulnerabilities by dropping our reliance on cookies and pawning off auth management to someone else.

Authentication in Elgg 2.0 could happen ONLY via OAuth/OpenId/BrowserID. This eliminates XSRF vulerabilities completely (!!!) and ensures we're set up to interoperate with other clients (Android, iOS, third parties) in a secure way (i.e. don't have to ask for passwords on the client).

If we can switch our default authentication to a standard like BrowserID, Elgg sites by default won't be contributing to the yet-another-password problem, which is a security issue (Elgg databases are surely less well-guarded than Google or Facebook databases) in addition to a UX problem (users hate creating new usernames and passwords and forget them all the time). Furthermore, when Elgg is used in any existing community, there is typically already an identity solution so getting Elgg and that provider to play well can be significant extra work. If you did want your Elgg site to be an identity provider, that could still be an option through a plugin or something, but the default should be an auth-as-a-service model. At the end of the day, you just make your site one of the services if you need to revert back to the legacy behavior of Elgg 1.x.

No more dealing with:

  • email verification
  • password resets
  • storing user passwords

Letting someone else do that hard work and integrating with them in a standards-based and federated way (BrowserID), seems like exactly the right way to go. If there any more identity bridges that need building, we can just support the BrowserID project instead of defaulting to building/maintaining our own thing.

Content-Security-Policy and strict contextual escaping (XSS)

With a ground-up rewrite of the frontend code, we're free to set up a strict default CSP and only open up permissions as needed. That allows us to ban inline scripts effectively eliminating XSS vulnerabilities for all browsers that support the standard (Firefox, Chrome, Safari). Couple that with a great security-conscious templating library (Angular with strict contextual escaping), and we can have some a much higher confidence that XSS is behind us, rather than hoping that any existing XSS vulnerability gets discovered and reported before it gets exploited.


The Elgg community is enthusiastic, but rather small. The more stuff we try to implement on our own, the thinner we'll be spread and the less we'll be able to contribute to the things that actually make us unique. There are huge communities out there solving a lot of the basic problems we're having and it would simply be foolish not to depend on them. Elgg 2.0 should be less about developing new features and more about pulling together all the latest best practices for frontend development into one cohesive unit.

Take the developer tooling for example: great tools are out there these days for managing (npm, bower), building (gruntjs) client-side apps that simply didn't exist 2 or 3 years ago. Grunt seems to be the de-facto javascript task runner. Bower is a great package manager built on npm. Composer does a perfectly fine job of PHP package management. Do we really want to create our own packaging system and plugin distribution system just for Elgg, or would we rather interoperate with the rest of the ecosystem and take advantage of all the great work that's going ithose efforts.


Furthermore, this split completely separates the frontend code from any knowledge of how the backend is implemented. The fact that PHP is being used is irrelevant and it could be easily replaced with Java, Ruby, Go, etc. This allows the frontend code to stand on its own merits instead of standing or falling with the PHP/MySQL choice.

Development/developer convenience

This also provides some development conveniences in that we don't need to hack around existing tools to support the dual-environment setup that we have. For example, Travis, the continuous testing service, only really supports one execution environment at a time and we have had to come up with workarounds to get our tests to run correctly and efficiently in the dual PHP/JS environment.

Server becomes client agnostic and vice-versa

Providing a server with a robust API means that we are not tied to whatever client implementation we provide. If someone decides to reimplement the client in Ember/Browserify instead of Angular/AMD, they are completely free to do that without needing to give up on the server component. More likely is that someone will want to implement a native iOS/Android app for their site, which we would be able to wholeheartedly encourage since we would already have a battle-tested API that they can draw from (and a standard way to contribute back changes that they may have needed to make).

Finally, there are yet other app environments like Chrome packaged apps that lend themselves to this kind of development model. With the current state of affairs it would be non-trivial to create a Chrome packaged app for an Elgg-based site. With the proposed model, creating such a thing should be a fairly trivial matter of adding some extra build rules since all the assets are already static and perhaps we just need to generate the manifest file or whatever Chrome requires for a packaged app these days.


An AngularJS-based implementation of Elgg's UI







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