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multimap viewer

Chris Frantz edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 1 revision

The MultiMap Viewer

The MultiMap Viewer allows you to quickly see a sideview area and its connections to all of its neighbors. The MultiMap Viewer uses a force directed graph to control layout. This allows you to see all connected areas and see illegal or non-euclidean relationships between areas (such as the drop loop in Palace 6).


Open the MultiMap Viewer by clicking the View Area button in the Connections dialog:


The Viewer

The viewer renders a sideview area and all of its connections. Here is Palace 2 (Midoro Swamp Palace), starting from the entrance:


  • The Zoom control allows you to scale the size of the rooms.
  • Each room has a button which opens a side-view editor for that room.
  • You can drag the rooms around to make the arragement more clear (but, the MultiMap viewer does not remember such adjustments).

The MultiMap Viewer color-codes all connections:


Illegal Connections are guessed: Any connection that goes to area 00 is an illegal connection unless area 00 has a corresponding connection back.

The MultiMap Viewer gives some control over its properties:


  • The X- and Y-Zoom control the horizontal and vertical spacing.
  • Pause Convergence while dragging stops the map from adjusting itself while you are dragging rooms around.
  • Converge before first draw tries to allow the map to self-adjust before the first draw. It is rather fun to turn this off and watch large maps (such as Great Palace) converge.
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