RAIdline is a gaming platform to practice your Incident Response skills, leveraging Mattermost, n8n automation and LLMs to create and have you play interactive scenario !
You should make sure to have the following installed on your machine beforehand:
- Docker ( or
- Ollama (
- With Gemma2 (ollama run gemma2) and Llama3 (ollama run llama3) models running
- jq (
Clone the repo from github.
Navigate to the scripts
Then ensure the install and check files are executable :
chmod +x
chmod +x
And then perform controls and initial setup with script to ensure that everything seems to be in place :
This will create a .env file with adhoc credentials.
and finally execute the shell file in the same directory :
Open you browser and connect to :
You can go to you local mattermost instance :
and test the login and password setup in the .ENV file.
Then you can check if the playbook template Raidline Response exist, and join it:
You can find the local instance here: http://localhost:5678/setup
Start by creating your user.
You should see the workflows and credentials in you home page, in the corresponding tabs.
- Ollama :
If the credential is not recognized by n8n (for Ollama on Linux for instance) : You might have to replace the host/IP (e.g. You can check it with the following command:
ip addr show | grep "\binet\b.*\bdocker0\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f 1
If you're using custom port (different from 11434), you might want to change it here as well.
Please check this FAQ out on Ollama Github
- N8N :
Ensure that the API key is created and then added to the related credential.
To be able to run rAIdline, you should at least have 2 models installed via Ollama :
- Gemma2
- Llama3
or alternatively
- Mistral
You should thus, depending on your install (dockerized or not), run the following commands :
docker exec -it ollama ollama run gemma2
ollama run gemma2
Depending on your machine/architecture, you might upgrade your experience and be able to run heavier models.
see Ollama documentation for more details.
Ensure the proper file is executable :
chmod +x
and execute the shell file in the directory :